I bought an iPhone on Friday but have yet to open it. It doesn't do a few of the things I use on my Treo 700P:
- Remote Desktop (which is unusable on the small treo screen)
- Telnet/SSH
- Sling Player
- Real Estate eKey (infrared)
The first two are useful because I manage a few UNIX and one Win server on the 'net. The primary method for maintaining them is my KVM over IP, but its a Java Applet-based web program. iPhone Safari for some reason doesn't support Java. Go figure.
The third is useful when you're stuck somewhere and need entertainment (for example, you're at a stupid christening and you want to watch the Devils on TV!)
The fourth is a great feature but I can live without it as I have a separate Supra eKey device.
The first three could be solved, actually, through a remote desktop solution.. but iPhone doesn't support ActiveX (MS' Web RDC) or Java Applet (KVM over IP, other Applet based VNC/RDP implementations). A guy created a RD Viewer in Java that runs on a box and runs a web server providing 100% web/ajax RD, but its a viewer only.. and there is no indication that a control one would work, since there'd be no way to tell the iPhone to present the keyboard for typing, or to click/doubleclick.
Any ideas?
Otherwise this phone that I really want to use might have to go back.
- Remote Desktop (which is unusable on the small treo screen)
- Telnet/SSH
- Sling Player
- Real Estate eKey (infrared)
The first two are useful because I manage a few UNIX and one Win server on the 'net. The primary method for maintaining them is my KVM over IP, but its a Java Applet-based web program. iPhone Safari for some reason doesn't support Java. Go figure.
The third is useful when you're stuck somewhere and need entertainment (for example, you're at a stupid christening and you want to watch the Devils on TV!)
The fourth is a great feature but I can live without it as I have a separate Supra eKey device.
The first three could be solved, actually, through a remote desktop solution.. but iPhone doesn't support ActiveX (MS' Web RDC) or Java Applet (KVM over IP, other Applet based VNC/RDP implementations). A guy created a RD Viewer in Java that runs on a box and runs a web server providing 100% web/ajax RD, but its a viewer only.. and there is no indication that a control one would work, since there'd be no way to tell the iPhone to present the keyboard for typing, or to click/doubleclick.
Any ideas?
Otherwise this phone that I really want to use might have to go back.