Ran across this nice little web application....does not need any jailbreaking...Its called "file2phone"....OMFG....I can access all of my files...I can turn on my webcam from my iPhone and watch what is going on in my house from my webcam to my iphone....i can access all of my files....that means I can watch all of my movies and not worry about space on my iphone seeing how I have a 8giger and can only hold about 7 to 9 movies....I can even view my computers screen and control it from my iphone and view any file...I mean there is sooooo much stuff you can do with this one little web app...and there is no way that Jobs will allow this in the app store...and the best thing is that you dont have to hack (jailbreak) your phone to use it because it is a web app....Imagine.....endless memory for you iphone because you can access your computer at home....I know Orb is doing this but this message is more for the non jailbreaking community....have fun here is the link....