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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Dec 31, 2016

I have just upgraded top a new retina MacBook. I run Sierra and on my previous Mac I had removed several items from the right click contest menu including 'tags'. I have no use for the function and don't particularly like them. However, I cannot remember how I did this. I have looked under services in system preferences and cant find it in there.

Anyone with any ideas would be hugely appreciated.
Cmd + , in the Finder..
I'm sorry I don't follow. I have removed the options you have shown already but when I say right click on a file the tags option is on the right click menu. I have removed it from here before but I can't remember how.
this is 'baked' into the OS; so you'd have to (temporarily) disable SIP, and make changes in the OS, possibly thru the terminal, or with a 3rd-party hack. probably easier to just ignore it (but perhaps someone else has an idea...)...
I'm sorry I don't follow. I have removed the options you have shown already but when I say right click on a file the tags option is on the right click menu. I have removed it from here before but I can't remember how.
If you drag all the "Favorite" tags out of that bottom box in @ccontreras's first screenshot, it removes those from the alt-click menu. You'll still have the word "Tags..." there but the colors are gone and it's just one line.

Screen Shot 2016-12-31 at 12.48.01 PM.png
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