Hi guys, I have found iFlicks, and I much prefer it to MetaX. How can I remove all the metadata previously embedded by MetaX?
Cheers, Marcel.
I think that this has to do with iFlicks only writing to certain metadata tags and ignoring others. I'm testing iFlicks beta which is unlocked for 70+ days. I have noticed that it doesn't have nearly as many available tags/fields as identify2 which I bought this week, on sale for $8.
I brought files (from a friend) into iFlicks and tagged them. Then testing, I brought the file into identify2 and noticed a lot of metadata referring to a torrent release group that iFlicks never touched those fields/tags. Those were in the encoded by, producer, and copyright fields. I called my friend and he admitted he downloaded that movie and didn't rip it himself.
So basically iFlicks is ignoring many of the fields.
I'll probably buy iFlicks because I like the mkv and avi/xvid remuxing, and GUI is great.
I like identify2 for it's ability to rename files according to your meta data which is worth the $8 just for retagging and renaming tv episodes.
They are both great apps with very responsive developers.
I must say I still prefer iFlicks because the metadata seems to be more consistent, however it does not embed the data. My aim at the moment is to remove all the previous metadata gathered with MetaX.
Hi guys, I have found iFlicks, and I much prefer it to MetaX. How can I remove all the metadata previously embedded by MetaX?
Cheers, Marcel.
Hi Spacepower, thanks for the reply! I bought identify too, I think we must have both snapped it up when it was on special on macupdate. I must say I still prefer iFlicks because the metadata seems to be more consistent, however it does not embed the data. My aim at the moment is to remove all the previous metadata gathered with MetaX.
I need more info, are you updating movies that are already in iTunes? If this is the case then you need to do a command-I (get info) in iTunes to write the new metadata to the iTunes Library file. This is what the identify2 developer recommends.
If not please give more info about your workflow.
One problem I have seen with iFlicks, and it depends on the data it gets online.....
The order of the actor names is hard to rearrange in that little box. I noticed this on a James bond movie where 20 or so actors populated the field except all the stars were on the bottom, therefore they do not show up on the AppleTv.
I like both apps, and if you are tagging a lot, I have a huge backlog, then they are definitely worth the money.
I'm basically just trying to find a way to remove all previous metadata from my movies and then use iflicks to make a reference file. currently atomic parsley is always crashing and metax does not work with a long list of files.
What fields of metadata are you trying to remove?
Why are you making a reference file?
I'm not understanding your process or goals, please explain.
Hey Marcel, I'm still here but had to wait till the weekend to experiment more.
I'm not sure I understand what you are trying to do....
When you mention .mov reference files, are you talking about AVI files?
You can tag in iFlicks, then tag in identify2 but keep the artwork from iFlicks.
You can also tell iDentify which sites to get info from, and which tags it can replace.
What file type are the pre-existing files? Avi, MKV etc....
I too would like to know how to do this. I've tagged all of my movie files using metax and now most are unwatchable. I've tested one by going back in and retagging it with different information, now the video works but the audio doesn't. I'm hoping that by deleting all of the meta data the videos will work again.