Thus, it is wise to make an extra effort to keep one's machine "lean, mean, and clean". Myself, I have been following that credo for so long, it is second nature. Also, it has resulted in me having very, very few (and 99.9% of the time, no) issues. I clean my machines daily by constantly permanently removing unneeded files, folders, etc. Most of that is deleted EMails. With Thunderbird (my EMail client), it is easy to permanently remove them. And once a week, typically every Saturday, I run Onyx and Tech Tool Pro to do more cleanup, perform maintenance, and if necessary, do repairs. I then run SuperDuper! to do 2 backups for each of my Macs to 2 separate SSDs.
As for the recession, thank god my wife and I are immune to that, for various reasons. In fact, I suspect gas prices will fall, and thus we will be spending less to fill up our automobiles. Also, numerous items could get cheaper.
And yes, the Seattle area is going through tough times. And Trump is again talking about restricting travel within the US, and in particular some specific "areas". I suspect Washington state will be at the top of that list, given all the cases/deaths that have occurred here.