My Powerbook is suffering from narcolepsy, so I have to take it to the Apple Store this weekend. The thing is, the timing couldn't be worse as I pretty much need my PB next week for a class we're doing a group presentation in to create then give a Powerpoint presentation (I think another group member has a laptop, but not positive). What are the chances of the Apple Store giving me a replacement? Hell, I don't care if they give me any left over 15" G4 PB's they have, but I pretty much need a laptop. This would be my second time sending the PB off (first time I had a bad keyboard) for repair, which I know compared to some people isn't a lot. Also, would the fact that this problem is so hard to diagnose (could be a battery, OSX itself, logic board, temp sensor or any number of things) make it more likely I'd get a replacement? It would be time consuming and expensive for Apple to replace every part until the problem stopped. Thanks