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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Jan 26, 2006
Kent, England

I've got a problem in that Activity Monitor doesn't open. This is in 10.4.6 on an iMac G5.

So I did a search on the forum and found that I could run Pacifist (which I don't have and don't have money to get) and extract the app from the install disc, or, and this is what I'm gonna do, repair permissions on my hard drive. As apparently this has fixed the same Activity Monitor problem with other people on here?

Now I would just go ahead and do this but I'm a tad paranoid that repairing permissions could in some way damage my computer as i'd guess its playing around with some serious files when it's doing it? Should I back up my system before I do this? Is there a chance it could ruin my entire disc?

Or am I just overeacting? he he. :eek:

Nope. Don't be paranoid about this. Running "Repair permissions" regularly is a Good Thing to do in any event, and certainly after installing/uninstalling new apps.

Do it in one of two ways.
Disk Utility (Utilities>Disk Utility> Repair Disk)

Good luck with unfreezing your Activity Monitor! :)
No problems and glad it worked for you. :)
Just keep asking and don't worry about being paranoid or over-reacting. That's why we're all here?
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