Hey Guys,
I wrote a script that I know is close, but something is not in the right place. Basically I want the script to continously check to see if the program "musicsource_hd.osx" is still running. Once it isn't, I want my quicktime player to quit. What am I doing wrong?
I wrote a script that I know is close, but something is not in the right place. Basically I want the script to continously check to see if the program "musicsource_hd.osx" is still running. Once it isn't, I want my quicktime player to quit. What am I doing wrong?
tell application "System Events"
set isRunning to ((application processes whose (name is equal to "musicsource_hd.osx")) count)
end tell
repeat until isRunning is 0
if isRunning is greater than 0 then
tell application "QuickTime Player" to quit
end if
end repeat