Okay, let's see exactly what I need to do this.
So I have a 2010 MP 6 core 3.3ghz with SSD and raided drives for FCP7 editing work, the main business. The 16gb RAM should cover this because of FCP7's limited RAM use even though I often have many browser windows open as well as Photoshop, MPeg Streamclip, Preview and Word (do I need more RAM for these extra apps?).
Because of ongong projects I'm still using FCP7 on 10.8.5 and want to speed things up, especially renders and mp4 conversions.
AS far as CPU upgrade goes, what can I upgrade to and exactly what do I need that will help the above?
Another processor - ex Ebay, Macsales??
A second CPU tray - Ebay, anywhere else? What kind of price am I looking at?
Would a faster graphics card help FCP7? (I've spoken to Mac Cards and he said to fish around here etc for more info)