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Replace battery on 2012 MBA or buy new MBP?

  • Don't replace battery, wait for 2018 refresh.

    Votes: 2 18.2%
  • Replace battery, wait for 2019 refresh.

    Votes: 7 63.6%
  • Buy 2017 MBP

    Votes: 2 18.2%

  • Total voters


macrumors newbie
Original poster
Jan 13, 2015
I currently have a 2012 base model MacBook Air (1.8 GHz Intel Core i5, 4GB RAM, 128GB SSD). After 5.5 years of use, the battery just started showing the "Replace Now" sign. I'm actually surprised it took this long considering it's nearing 2000 cycles. Performance-wise, I'm mostly satisfied with it. It's not as snappy as it used to be, and working with large files in Photoshop isn't as smooth but it's not so slow that I need a replacement due to performance alone. However, I have a year and a half left as a student so before graduating, I'd like to buy my next laptop to take advantage of the discount.
There's no official Apple Store where I live so I'd have to go to an official service provider for the battery replacement. It could cost anywhere from 140 Euros to 200 Euros.

I see 3 options:
1) Replace battery now (200 Euros) and hope the computer lasts until the mid 2019 refresh.
2) Don't replace the battery and whenever the MBA dies, buy a current MBP. Hoping it'll last until the 2018 refresh.
3) Buy a 2017 model.

Reasons why I'm hesitating on the 2017 model are: lots of issues reported with the keyboard and the price. Hoping 2018 brings a price drop in MacBooks, or a refresh for MBAs, that are still powerful enough for my uses so I don't have to fork out close to 2000 Euros for a MBP.


macrumors 68030
Nov 2, 2010
For ur usecase buy a base 2017 MB. U don't need a MBP.
Cheaper lighter and fast enough. If u have access to Apples refurbished store even better


macrumors 6502
Oct 17, 2010
I upgraded from a MBA of the same year this January to the MBP in my sig. That Air still works and I still use it as a Windows machine, but for day to day, I really was longing for something with a longer battery life (I had the battery replaced after a year before upgrading), more power and more space. At the very least, I would suggest looking into the retina MacBook if you can swing it because it will be faster than your Air with a killer screen. Once you use a retina enable machine day-to-day, its really difficult to go back. Otherwise, just replace the battery.

Darmok N Jalad

macrumors 603
Sep 26, 2017
Tanagra (not really)
If you’re a little bit handy, you can buy a replacement battery and replace it yourself. See ifixit for how to do it.

You will also need to get a pentalobe screwdriver, but you’re looking at probably half the price to replace the battery yourself. You could also upgrade your SSD while you’re in there, but that also involves reinstalling your software.

So my vote is to keep it and do it yourself! :D


macrumors newbie
Original poster
Jan 13, 2015
For ur usecase buy a base 2017 MB. U don't need a MBP.
Cheaper lighter and fast enough. If u have access to Apples refurbished store even better

I'm not sure the m3 is enough for the image processing I have to do for work/my thesis. That's why I'm hoping next year's MBs have an i5 (or the upgrade to it is cheaper) or the MBAs get an upgrade. I know the MBP is more power than I need but the base MB isn't enough and the screen on the MBA is also a no-go.

I doubt 2018 MBPs will be any cheaper. They may be a bit more to cover the new processors and GPUs.

Oh I'm sorry I didn't mean that the MBPs will be cheaper, I meant I hope the MBs are cheaper or the MBAs get upgraded.

I upgraded from a MBA of the same year this January to the MBP in my sig. That Air still works and I still use it as a Windows machine, but for day to day, I really was longing for something with a longer battery life (I had the battery replaced after a year before upgrading), more power and more space. At the very least, I would suggest looking into the retina MacBook if you can swing it because it will be faster than your Air with a killer screen. Once you use a retina enable machine day-to-day, its really difficult to go back. Otherwise, just replace the battery.

Thank you for the input! How's the keyboard on your MBP? Have you had any issues with it?

If you’re a little bit handy, you can buy a replacement battery and replace it yourself. See ifixit for how to do it.

You will also need to get a pentalobe screwdriver, but you’re looking at probably half the price to replace the battery yourself. You could also upgrade your SSD while you’re in there, but that also involves reinstalling your software.

So my vote is to keep it and do it yourself! :D

I wish I was :( thanks for the link tho!


macrumors 68030
Nov 2, 2010
I'm not sure the m3 is enough for the image processing I have to do for work/my thesis. That's why I'm hoping next year's MBs have an i5 (or the upgrade to it is cheaper) or the MBAs get an upgrade. I know the MBP is more power than I need but the base MB isn't enough and the screen on the MBA is also a no go

U mean the real i5 the nT MBP uses? Not possible cos of heat from 15W.
But if ur Air can handle image processing why do u think the MB can't? It's much faster SSD, CPU and GPU wise.
The only thing it throttles after a few minutes of constant high load like processing lots of pics with a macro e.g.

I was kind of in the same boat. My air died and the MBP is to expensive for my taste. I thought the MB is too slow with its M processor. But I gave it a shot. I made the move from your Air to a used M5 2016 MB and can tell u that image processing is way faster and I don't experience slowdowns. The overall experience is much better than on the Air.

The Air probably will never get updates anymore. The chances are higher that it'll get axed.
Last edited:


macrumors 604
Nov 3, 2011
SF Bay Area
Oh I'm sorry I didn't mean that the MBPs will be cheaper, I meant I hope the MBs are cheaper or the MBAs get upgraded.

I understand. But the trend stays the same. The price will be the same or if we are lucky a tiny bit lower. The MacBook will get the new more powerful processors. I suspect the Air is end of life.


macrumors 6502
Oct 17, 2010
Thank you for the input! How's the keyboard on your MBP? Have you had any issues with it?

I got used to it very quickly. Feels significantly better than one on the 2015-2016 Retina MacBooks (hate that keyboard) I know that keys sticking has been a pretty widespread issue but at this point I’ve managed to avoid it (I clean my laptop keyboard display and keyboard just about every other day out of habit). Don’t let anyone tell you that the keyboard issue isn’t real or a big deal. I used an Apple Store floor model with an ‘n’ key that was completely unusable.

I always recommend people pony up for the extended warranty for a computer they plan to use for years (and lets face it, most people spending this much money intend to use it for awhile). If you do buy one of these, I especially recommend buying AppleCare.


macrumors Penryn
Feb 20, 2009
If the performance is still adequate, you might just replace the battery, and "keep holding out" for a 2018 or 2019...
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