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macrumors newbie
Original poster
May 22, 2006
greetings - I'm new to Macs (long time Windows and Linux user)

What is the procedure for replacing the harddrive in a Macbook? (my new one is clicking (like the heads-parking-sound - but does it every 20-60secs) - I may just replace it with another - with larger capacity).

(not the hardware install procedure - but the format and data transfer procedure)

(Ive done this numerous times on a PC using Ghost - attaching both drives to box simultaneously etc)

(another way to transfer the data in pcs - is to install the original drive in an external usb chassis - and connect after the new OS load on the new drive)

Also - does any one know if you do a "clean reinstall" of OS10.4.6 - will it reload iLife?

thanks - JM
(loving the Macbook and OSx/bsd-unix - a little dissapointed in the few issues)
cighh said:
greetings - I'm new to Macs (long time Windows and Linux user)

What is the procedure for replacing the harddrive in a Macbook? (my new one is clicking (like the heads-parking-sound - but does it every 20-60secs) - I may just replace it with another - with larger capacity).

(not the hardware install procedure - but the format and data transfer procedure)

(Ive done this numerous times on a PC using Ghost - attaching both drives to box simultaneously etc)

(another way to transfer the data in pcs - is to install the original drive in an external usb chassis - and connect after the new OS load on the new drive)

Also - does any one know if you do a "clean reinstall" of OS10.4.6 - will it reload iLife?

thanks - JM
(loving the Macbook and OSx/bsd-unix - a little dissapointed in the few issues)

If the HDD is buggered you should call Apple and get them to check it out - you have a warranty for a reason.

As for cloning programs, check out Carbon Copy Cloner, Deja Vu, there's quite a number of them.

To do a clean install, you simply load your restore disc into the MacBook and follow the instructions accordingly, it will reload everything that came with your Mac.
If you have a USB or Firewire external drive it's very easy. Use SilverKeeper, a free app from LaCie. It works with any drive that mounts on the OSX desktop and produces a complete clone of the hard disk.

Then once you've installed the new HD, just boot from the external drive and run the app again to clone the data back.

EDIT: And the Gold medal goes to.....Chundles!!!! <sound of crowds cheering>
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