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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Mar 6, 2007
Los Angeles
What are all the video card options to replace an 8800 GT in an early 2008 Mac Pro 2x2.8GHz (8 core Xeon)?

Not necessarily the ones Apple has "certified" for use with Macs, but rather, all the cards that users have verified work without incident.

For example, will this XFX HD 5770 from MacMall work?
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I just asked a similar question about a specific card (Radeon HD 6870):

Thanks go to Cindori for straightening me out.

It turns out there are several non-Mac cards that should work in the 2008 MP with little to no modification. And 'mod' in this case is usually installing a driver or replace kext files.

My 8800 just keeled over, so I'm in the market myself. The 5770 was where I started, but it looks like for small $$ more you can get quite bit more bang for your buck. I'm now considering the 6970 to get even more gain.

I believe the general rule of thumb *right now* is that Radeon 5xxx and 6xxx cards work very well with very few gotchas. The 6970 requires some tweaks, but the 6870 looks like it will drop in with only a driver replacement. When Lion hits, there may be native support, but nobody can say for certain.

This doesn't address your actual question, but I hope it's helpful anyway.
.../My 8800 just keeled over, so I'm in the market myself./...
I thought my 8800 GT had died, but I actually managed to fix it by baking it in the oven (literally baking it in the oven at 390º for ten minutes). Just put it back in my MP and it works.

I had another thread going and someone suggested the baking trick (based on my symptoms). It reflows the solder and heals microfissures.

Your card might be *totally* dead, but... if it gets to at least a gray screen with the white apple logo, you might try this before buying a new card. Read a tutorial or find a youtube... I'm amazed it actually worked.
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I thought my 8800 GT had died, but I actually managed to fix it by baking it in the oven


Wow. Hadn't thought of that, but it makes sense if the problem actually is fatigue in the solder. I presume the rest of the card can take the heat for a short amount of time.

Worth a shot! Thanks for the tip :)

Wow. Hadn't thought of that, but it makes sense if the problem actually is fatigue in the solder. I presume the rest of the card can take the heat for a short amount of time.

Worth a shot! Thanks for the tip :)
That's what I thought... it's worth a shot if I'm going to just throw it for a new one. I was about to throw down for an HD 5770... saved me $250.

Yes, the other components seem to handle it fine, including the GPU which surprised me.

Here is the YouTube I watched:
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