My Mac Pro is OOW and the Super-drive is having issues where it won't recognize discs inserted at times. I can't get them to eject by any other way but reboot and then they auto-eject.
I assume that the drive is bad, and the quote from Apple is $69.00 for a new Super-drive. They suggested that some third party drives would work well also, and would obviously be less expensive.
What DVD writers work with OSX? I've never had to swap a drive like this before.
Someone said to get a Samsung drive for some reason. No one stocks them, and I've seen multiple brand of drives that look exactly the same so who knows who actually made them...
Stay away from Samsung unless you wanna do this all over again in a year or so. So far, the consensus in Japan among media freaks for the past 15 years has been Pioneer, Pioneer or Pioneer. The only exception are the LightScribe fans who like to etch images on their CDs/DVDs. In those past 15 years I've accumulated about 60 dead CD and/or DVD drives and none of them are Pioneer. I have three Pioneer DVD/CD writers , one about 15 years old, one 8 years old and one I bought about 2 years ago. All see fairly heavy use although the newest one have only burned about 1,500 disks. It's in the MacPro and works great. Here's what the MP has to say about it:
Firmware Revision: 1.06
Interconnect: ATAPI
Burn Support: Yes (Generic Drive Support)
Profile Path: None
Cache: 2000 KB
Reads DVD: Yes
CD-Write: -R, -RW
DVD-Write: -R, -R DL, -RAM, -RW, +R, +R DL, +RW
Write Strategies: CD-TAO, CD-SAO, CD-Raw, DVD-DAO
Media: To show the available burn speeds, insert a disc and choose View > Refresh
I never see any messages associated with "Regions" so I dunno what that implies. And occasionally a CD with hardware (pressed) copy protection takes a bit longer to rip than one without - and I dunno what that implies either. Normally a 12 to 15 track 50 min music CD takes very close to exactly 2min. to rip, encode to MP3 256k, place in iTunes, and DL and attach the Album art and track names to. I think writing a DVD is similar - about 2min. for 4GB but it's been a few months so I'm not positive. The only other long living burner I have is a Yamaha - it was the 1st CD writer ever and cost me $2k. I think it still works today but CDs at 4X with no DVD support isn't very useful.
This drive looks the same and has the same specifications as the one I'm using in my MacPro currently. Of course you have to remove the bezel and mount it as far back as possible but after that it all works perfectly. The bezel is made to be easily removed on this model.
BTW, if you're replacing such a device you might wanna consider a BlueRay unit. I dunno anything about them myself but here is Pioneer's offering at Amazon: