As always the media blows up because its a mac, where as no one seems to care about the countless problems various win machines have.
I've always been an early adopter. Glitches and hiccups are the price you pay for this. You will see tons of stupid comments of things like "APPLES QUALITY CONTROL SUCKS" blah blah blah just like every other time a problem surfaces but in reality, it has ZERO to do with quality control, and more to do with mass manufacturing. People want cheap electronics, so they are mass manufactured, when they are mass manufactured, sometimes there are issues that cannot be seen until a ton of people have the machines. You can test all day in labs but until the public gets a large quantity of machines, you will never find all problems.
I myself had lines once and hopefully only once. No biggie. I closed the lid, and reopened it and they went away. I'm an early adopter and I expect it. The tradeoff of having such a great machine to use is worth it to me and I know I am covered under applecare for three years so I really could care less. If a problem happens, I send it in for a fix. I don't come cry about it on a forum like others will do.
Maybe I don't care so much because I've worked in IT for 15+ years and am used to hardware or machine failures. It happens, its not preventable, and Apple will fix it. No biggie.