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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Feb 28, 2008
Hi folks. I'm fully jailbroken and rocking a sweet Glasklart theme with some custom icons but now my lock screen feels like it's lacking. Just wondering if it is possible to reposition the lock/unlock bar on the lock screen. I'd like to move it up to just below the middle of the screen or, even better, just get rid of it completely and put in my own tap to unlock "hotspot" area on the screen with a transparent image for the slider (which i know how to do) but it would still require moving the actual slider bar itself. Any thoughts, links, tutorials, ideas? All of my google-fu has turned out to be of no use here. I call on the powers of you google search masters out there to answer if this can even be done.

there's an app on cydia called "un-unlockable" which leaves the "slide to unlock" bar in the same place, but simply makes it transparent. you still slide in the same place to unlock, but you don't actually see anything on your lock screen. does that help you?

That will at least get rid of the bar for me and get me halfway there. Thanks, Josh. I'll give it a look.

I did find this thread on MacThemes but I haven't tried it yet, just in case anyone reading this is asking themselves the same question I am some time:
MacThemes | Moving the slider up
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