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macrumors 68040
Original poster
I know I am always writing here about losing my documents but this time I don't think it was my fault. I know exactly what happened and I think the problem is reproduceable.

Open textedit.
Create several documents and type some gibberish in each one.
Go to Menu textedit --> Quit Textedit
At next dialog hit Review changes
At first open document hit save
LEAVE the next dialog that asks you where to save alone
Now go to file--> new
Notice the new window is missing the normal options at the top of the window
Type some gibberish in this document
Now close this document by hitting the red button (or command W if you want to do it exactly like I did)
The file just closes!!!!!

Does anyone know how I might find that file???????? I know that one was called Untitled 4, but I looked for an Untitled 4 from today and none exist!!! I am sad! Can anyone help?
Well you can't recover the file because it was never saved to the disk, and wiped from the memory when the document was closed. I'd suggest saving each document before you do any significant amount of work on it.

Using iWork or Microsoft Office would also be benificial in the case you have problems closing a document (Office also has a recovery feature if the computer loses power). If your running a PPC, Appleworks is another alternitive. TextEdit is OK, but lacking in "perfectness".

Edit: If you haven't closed TextEdit yet, right click on it and see if your unitled 4 document shows up.
swingerofbirch said:
I guess I lost them oh well.

But ne'ertheless, is this a bug?
I'm having trouble recreating the situation, but I doubt its bug. Its possible I suppose. Maybe someone a little more TextEidit savvy will stop by for you. ;)
I was able to recreate this situation. It's a bug indeed are you on 10.3 on tiger? I'm still stuck in the past with panther. This is definitely a bug (an unforeseen situation) but it may have been fixed (textedit was improved for 10.4).

I think once I did this, actually.
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