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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Apr 2, 2008
Hey I've seen the benchmarks of the new iMacs etc, but I don't really get a picture of their performance (those numbers don't mean a whole lot to me :p)
Could anybody, that is in possession of a 27"/i5 or i7 iMac and a copy of either Call of Duty 4 or 6 (MW2) tell me what their performance is, and settings? (stutters, fps,quality etc etc).

Much obliged! :)
Just loaded up COD4 MacOS version and had it at full res with everything on high and it was smooth as butter no glitching what so ever, and I had a movie playing on iTunes at the same time too. I'm not sure what the fps was since I don't know how to see that in COD4.

Ok at full res and everything on max i am getting 60-80 fps this is at 25whatever by 1440.

Ok here is a video, and sorry i was lying as you can see in the video the only thing that wasn't all the way up was the antialiasing and the other slider i forget what it is but everything else was maxed out and was getting between 40-70 fps sorry about the video but it's very hard to control and hold it with my iphone at the same time. Enjoy.

OK AA at 4x and AF all the way up 30-60 FPS closer to 30 steady though, never went below that.

Click here: This is the thread you want to read, it should answer all of your questions + more.
COD4 runs well on my I7.

I have all settings maxed out and have no noticable fps problems.

I am running it at 1920x1080 tho. at Native resolution it stutters a bit when turning.
COD4 runs well on my I7.

I have all settings maxed out and have no noticable fps problems.

I am running it at 1920x1080 tho. at Native resolution it stutters a bit when turning.

And it doesnt look bad because of the lower resolution?
Also, could you record your fps using console or fraps?

And thanks 53x12! :)
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