I am having challenges with opening up Safari on my Monterey installation... When I try with extensions enabled, it crashes even before I can get into the menu, even before it shows a webpage.
I disabled extensions using "defaults write com.apple.Safari ExtensionsEnabled 0" in Terminal, and then I can get into Safari. I then enabled the developer menu, but I can't seem to find a place to start disabling extensions without enabling extensions in the developer menu, and the second I do, Safari crashes. It is a Catch-22...
Is there a place outside Safari where I can remove extensions one at a time?
I disabled extensions using "defaults write com.apple.Safari ExtensionsEnabled 0" in Terminal, and then I can get into Safari. I then enabled the developer menu, but I can't seem to find a place to start disabling extensions without enabling extensions in the developer menu, and the second I do, Safari crashes. It is a Catch-22...
Is there a place outside Safari where I can remove extensions one at a time?