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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Sep 17, 2008
Are there any additional resource drains put on the iPhone after jail breaking? I'm pacifically thinking of say Winterboard and maybe SMS type software that install extra hooks? Surly there must be extra background tasks running?

Probably not much of a test, but after JBing, FreeMemory never reports having more than 20mg free any more, and it often drops to as low as 6-3mb free!
Are there any additional resource drains put on the iPhone after jail breaking? I'm pacifically thinking of say Winterboard and maybe SMS type software that install extra hooks? Surly there must be extra background tasks running?

Probably not much of a test, but after JBing, FreeMemory never reports having more than 20mg free any more, and it often drops to as low as 6-3mb free!

I have jailbroken but dont have winterboard or anything like that installed. My memory is usually around 30-40mb when nothing is running. I do have Swirlymms installed though so I would imagine that would be a drain. I think winterboard is a massive drain on resources, i know it slowed my iphone down when I had it on a couple of months back so I uninstalled.
Are there any additional resource drains put on the iPhone after jail breaking? I'm pacifically thinking of say Winterboard and maybe SMS type software that install extra hooks? Surly there must be extra background tasks running?

Probably not much of a test, but after JBing, FreeMemory never reports having more than 20mg free any more, and it often drops to as low as 6-3mb free!

Jailbreaking itself doesn't have any performance impact. The stuff you can install through it, however, may.
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