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macrumors 68030
Original poster
May 21, 2010
Now that the 3G iPad has been out for a while, has anyone that activated unlimited been able to cancel it aafter 30 days and then have it available to restart? I activated mine a couple weeks ago and my options are 2gb, 250 mb or cancel.
Now that the 3G iPad has been out for a while, has anyone that activated unlimited been able to cancel it aafter 30 days and then have it available to restart? I activated mine a couple weeks ago and my options are 2gb, 250 mb or cancel.

AT&T has said you could be grandfathered in if you bought your 3G iPad before June 7th. After that it's a no go and you're stuck with 200 MB or 2 GB. And if you cancel, just like the iPhone, and you go with one of the smaller options, which give you a better price and give you the option for tethering, you can't get it back.

Correct me if I'm wrong.
AT&T has said you could be grandfathered in if you bought your 3G iPad before June 7th. After that it's a no go and you're stuck with 200 MB or 2 GB. And if you cancel, just like the iPhone, and you go with one of the smaller options, which give you a better price and give you the option for tethering, you can't get it back.

Correct me if I'm wrong.

Can someone actually answer my question?
AT&T has said you could be grandfathered in if you bought your 3G iPad before June 7th. After that it's a no go and you're stuck with 200 MB or 2 GB. And if you cancel, just like the iPhone, and you go with one of the smaller options, which give you a better price and give you the option for tethering, you can't get it back.

Correct me if I'm wrong.

Im pretty sure he did...
I ordered my iPad on June 7th. Activated it on June 13 with the unlimited plan... When I go into my account to edit or cancel my account I only get the 2gb or 250 mb options... When my data plan automatically renews next month Im hoping I keep my unlimited plan.... What do you guys think?

Another thing i noticed was my account information wasn't all there. My street address was missing so was my credit card 3 digit security code... Anyone else notice this?
AT&T has said you could be grandfathered in if you bought your 3G iPad before June 7th. After that it's a no go and you're stuck with 200 MB or 2 GB. And if you cancel, just like the iPhone, and you go with one of the smaller options, which give you a better price and give you the option for tethering, you can't get it back.

Correct me if I'm wrong.
you need to have had an active unlimited plan prior to june 7th to be grandfathered into to the old plan.
I think the poster is asking if anyone has actually done it. There's been a lot of conflicting stories.
Im pretty sure he did...

Careful with the insults. My question has still not been answered. I am not asking for opinions on whether people THINK the option to restart unlimited will be available. I am asking if anyone has ACTUALLY CANCELLED their unlimited plan and were then able to or prevented from restarting the unlimited. I can speculate as much as the next guy. I'm asking for first hand experience.
You have to auto renew each month. Once you let the unlimited plan lapse by not renewing, you lose it and can not get that option back. Which I think just sucks...
You have to auto renew each month. Once you let the unlimited plan lapse but not renewing, you lose it.

Do you know this from first hand experience or are you quoting something you have read online? If the latter is true, where did you read it?
When I canceled my 3G order from the Apple Store they stated that I'd be able to start and stop whenever I wanted and I could stay on the unlimited since I ordered prior to the cutoff. Ended up canceling and got a Wifi instead. I'd love to believe it but I can't imagine AT&T letting that happen.
Now that the 3G iPad has been out for a while, has anyone that activated unlimited been able to cancel it aafter 30 days and then have it available to restart? I activated mine a couple weeks ago and my options are 2gb, 250 mb or cancel.

You are aware that those are your only available options because you're currently on the unlimited plan, right? You can't change to unlimited if you're already on it. The 29.99 unlimited data plan is still an available option as of right now, just not being advertised by at&t.
You are aware that those are your only available options because you're currently on the unlimited plan, right? You can't change to unlimited if you're already on it. The 29.99 unlimited data plan is still an available option as of right now, just not being advertised by at&t.

I do realize that, I'm just wondering what will happen after I select "cancel" and the plan runs out. Will the unlimited option reappear or will it be gone forever?

And I'm sure everyone will speculate that it will be gone, I just wanted first-hand experience from someone who has actually cancelled unlimited and their 30 days has elapsed.
I do realize that, I'm just wondering what will happen after I select "cancel" and the plan runs out. Will the unlimited option reappear or will it be gone forever?

And I'm sure everyone will speculate that it will be gone, I just wanted first-hand experience from someone who has actually cancelled unlimited and their 30 days has elapsed.

My experience was a slight variation to your question. I started with the 29.99 unlimited. About a week into the plan, I cancelled it. I started receiving messages warning the the plan was up for renewal a week or so before the end of the 30 days. Two days before the 29.99 unlimited plan ended, I signed up for the 14.99 2gb plan. The 29.99 unlimited plan was not available, only 2gb, 250mb or cancel.
My experience was a slight variation to your question. I started with the 29.99 unlimited. About a week into the plan, I cancelled it. I started receiving messages warning the the plan was up for renewal a week or so before the end of the 30 days. Two days before the 29.99 unlimited plan ended, I signed up for the 14.99 2gb plan. The 29.99 unlimited plan was not available, only 2gb, 250mb or cancel.

Aw man, if you had only waited 2 days, you could have answered my question. Actually, maybe you have; are you saying that the unlimited is not available NOW? That would confirm that once you cancel it (which, in your case you did by selecting another plan), it is no longer available. I think you have answered my question. Many thanks. AT&T definitely sucks!
My experience was a slight variation to your question. I started with the 29.99 unlimited. About a week into the plan, I cancelled it. I started receiving messages warning the the plan was up for renewal a week or so before the end of the 30 days. Two days before the 29.99 unlimited plan ended, I signed up for the 14.99 2gb plan. The 29.99 unlimited plan was not available, only 2gb, 250mb or cancel.

What I gathered from the above:
-You had the unlimited plan
-You switched to a metered plan (not clear on which $14.99 is not 2GB)
-You did not see unlimited as an option

Did you actually cancel your plan or cancel a subsequent renewal? Confirmation?
When you said you didn't see the unlimited plan as an option, was that when you signed up for the metered plan?
Did you go with a metered plan because unlimited wasn't an option?
If you check now, is unlimited still not an option?

I'm thinking you didn't cancel properly and were still covered by the unlimited data when you changed plans. As mentioned earlier in this thread and others, your current option is not available when selecting a new plan. If you still had unlimited data, you wouldn't have seen it.

Aw man, if you had only waited 2 days, you could have answered my question. Actually, maybe you have; are you saying that the unlimited is not available NOW? That would confirm that once you cancel it (which, in your case you did by selecting another plan), it is no longer available. I think you have answered my question. Many thanks. AT&T definitely sucks!

If I'm correct about the sequence of events above, I don't think that opala actually did answer your question, but might be the perfect person to do so. If (s)he still has unlimited as an option, it looks very promising for the rest of us. If not, it doesn't necessarily mean we are out of luck if we cancel, but that we will need to keep looking.
Aw man, if you had only waited 2 days, you could have answered my question. Actually, maybe you have; are you saying that the unlimited is not available NOW? That would confirm that once you cancel it (which, in your case you did by selecting another plan), it is no longer available. I think you have answered my question. Many thanks. AT&T definitely sucks!

I can see why this issue is so confusing. Here is a little more information.

I bought three iPads. The second and third iPads were received about three weeks after the first iPad.

Unlimited is not currently available on my first iPad. However, when I signed up for the 2gb plan, unlmited was available. I thougt, okay, it will be available so I can get the 2gb plan for a month and change to unlimited again when I travel, vacation, etc.

I started the second and third iPads with the 2gb plan because the unlimited was still a choice (available). I thought okay the unlimited will still be available when it was time to renew. Big mistake. After I created the 2gb plans and whet back to see what options I had, the unlimited was no longer available. I should have checked the plan availability on one iPad instead of signing both up for 2gb.

This tells me that the unlimited plan is (or was) available initially, but if you don't select it (initially) it will no longer be available at future renewals.
What I gathered from the above:
-You had the unlimited plan
-You switched to a metered plan (not clear on which $14.99 is not 2GB)
-You did not see unlimited as an option

Did you actually cancel your plan or cancel a subsequent renewal? Confirmation?
When you said you didn't see the unlimited plan as an option, was that when you signed up for the metered plan?
Did you go with a metered plan because unlimited wasn't an option?
If you check now, is unlimited still not an option?

I'm thinking you didn't cancel properly and were still covered by the unlimited data when you changed plans. As mentioned earlier in this thread and others, your current option is not available when selecting a new plan. If you still had unlimited data, you wouldn't have seen it.

If I'm correct about the sequence of events above, I don't think that opala actually did answer your question, but might be the perfect person to do so. If (s)he still has unlimited as an option, it looks very promising for the rest of us. If not, it doesn't necessarily mean we are out of luck if we cancel, but that we will need to keep looking.

I recommend that if you currently have the unlimited plan, do not cancel it. Also, be sure that your credit card will authorize a renewal or else I'm sure the unlimited plan will no longer be available to that iPad.
I have had my iPad 3G since day one of it's release. I ordered the unlimited plan the first month and then switched to the 250mb plan for this month (June). I am looking at my account right now and I have the option to add 250 mb, change to 2 GB, or change to unlimited.
I think the poster is asking if anyone has actually done it. There's been a lot of conflicting stories.

Yes, that is what they are asking.

The simple, and correct, answer is "nobody knows", because it's too soon to tell.

We are going to have to wait until some brave souls actually do it and are successful or not.

So, that means most of us are going to go ahead and let it auto-renew for the second month at least.

It sucks that ATT is so petty and anti-consumer that they will leave us hanging like this. Well, it doesn't suck for ATT - they're lining their pockets with FUD.

I suspect a class-action suit will be going forward if it's not possible to re-start. I have contact information for a California attorney who is planning on doing so, and is looking for a California resident to represent the class. I decided against it, since I am an iPhone/iPad developer, and representing the class could cause complications for me...

I'm not an attorney, but I'd guess that the basis would be that iPad was marketed with an implicit (explicit, really, out of Steve Job's mouth) promise that you could stop and re-start the unlimited plan. This bait-and-switch was pulled so quickly that it would not have been possible to have done this even once. Thus, a fraud was committed upon the public in the marketing of iPad.
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