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macrumors newbie
Original poster
May 21, 2009
Ok. I recently jailbroke my iphone 3g to see what it was all about and was really impressed. I learned alot (thanks jmann) and I am now in awe even more about what this great device is capable of. I did a restore because I wanted to wait for the 3.0 software to come out before I got too deep into cydia etc..and then just have to start all over in a few weeks. That being said, I see people suggesting to use "restore dfu" in order to restore. I simply used the restore button on itunes. Two Questions: what does dfu restore mean? (please just dont tell me what it stands for...explain a tidbit). And is it ok that I used the regular restore? Like will that have any repurcussions when I download siftware 3.0?
No one knows what "DFU" actually stands for ;). But basically you do it like this, and then iTunes will say it detects a device in recovery mode, and then is when you click the "restore" button. The benefit of doing it like this is that it erases any traces of a jailbreak (for the most part), while a regular restore sometimes leaves little things behind.
oh no!!

Thats what i was worried about Jmann!!! Am I screwed now when I go to do a software upgrade? Or if I send it away for a new battery??
Thats what i was worried about Jmann!!! Am I screwed now when I go to do a software upgrade? Or if I send it away for a new battery??

It's okay you can do a DFU restore at anytime. I would suggest doing it before you take it into a store to be serviced for example. You should be fine with the software update though. I wouldn't worry about it, unless you need to take it to a genius bar.
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