I have a jailbreaked first gen iphone, and installed a couple of stuffs on it. Now, I want to go back to factory setting, ie, remove all those installed programmes and settings. But I want to keep my SMS. Is there a way to do that?
Use SSH (and scp) to copy the sms.db file off your phone, restore the firmware, Jailbreak it, install SSH again and then copy the sms.db file back on. The sms.db file lives in ~root/Library/SMS/sms.db or ~mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db depending on which firmware version you are running. Remember to change the ownership of the file when you restore it if necessary (again, depending on firmware and who you log into the iphone as via ssh).
thanks Alec
your SSH method indeed is a clever one.
but...I didn't expect it to involve so many steps...
I think I'll pass, and just restore.
i mean, there wouldn't be a lot of mess in there...would there?