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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Jun 16, 2008
Dublin, Ireland.

I Jailbroke my phone for a trip abroad and restored it again to original settings, I just didn't want to continue using it jaibroken, call me a purist if you will! The reset went perfectly, except that now at the end of the home pages there are about 16 invisible icons. None of them represent an actual app they seem to be left over from the jailbreak. When I click one it opens a blank safari page. When I remove them they go away but after the next sync they only return.

Any ideas? Here is a screenshot showing the icons wiggling about prior to being deleted. Any help would be greatly appreciated, apologies if this was posted before (I did check but didnt find any) or if it is in the wrong section.

Which jailbroken apps were you running before? Did you use Poof, Categories, or anything else that hides icons or creates blank spaces?
I had the same issue with all of the apps (both Cydia and app store) that I had in a folder using Catagories. I solved this by going settings>general>reset>reset all settings and they all showed back up.
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