Lets face it after a while of messing around with cydia and downloading/deleting stuff, changing themes, and using apps apple could only dream of licensing your phone does get a little sluggish. Every couple months or so i find myself restoring my phone with locked firmware and start all over downloading and theming. Now in the past after I would restore i would choose the option of setting up as a new iphone and start reloading contacts, music, calenders, and resetting up my 8 or 9 alarms. I would does this because i though that if I restored my phone from a backup that was made on jail broken firmware it wouldn't be as "fresh" as if i started a new. Is this reasonable to assume or is it ok to restore my phone from a back up and have all my tones, preferences, contacts and such brought back in one step and not have some residual effects from the previous jailbreak?