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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Jul 13, 2010
Hi all,

I believe there is a conflict in my library that was causing audio problems. The audio problem stopped when I did a clean install of El Capitan, however, when I used Migration Assistant to restore my system I noticed that the problem returned. Because of this I wish to restore only my documents and re-introduce the software one app at a time until I can figure out where the conflict exists. The problem with my approach, however, is if you wish to restore documents only, using Migration Assistant and a Time Machine backup, it also brings over the library.

Do you know of anyway to restore just the files / documents and ensure that everything makes it over (e.g. no accidental loss of files / undetected file corruption etc.)

thanks :)


macrumors Core
Oct 14, 2008
Hi all,

I believe there is a conflict in my library that was causing audio problems. The audio problem stopped when I did a clean install of El Capitan, however, when I used Migration Assistant to restore my system I noticed that the problem returned. Because of this I wish to restore only my documents and re-introduce the software one app at a time until I can figure out where the conflict exists. The problem with my approach, however, is if you wish to restore documents only, using Migration Assistant and a Time Machine backup, it also brings over the library.

Do you know of anyway to restore just the files / documents and ensure that everything makes it over (e.g. no accidental loss of files / undetected file corruption etc.)

thanks :)

Just copy the files. Btw, use the search function, this question was discussed here yesterday.


macrumors newbie
Original poster
Jul 13, 2010
Hi Leman,

Thanks for your reply. I presume this is the post to which you're referring?

My concern about manually copying files is to ensure that there be some method for cross-checking to see that everything made it over without any file corruption etc. I'd assume that using a program like Migration Assistant would create some form of log that could be referenced to discover this. Am I wrong about the type of information Migration Assistant logs / does the drag and drop method create something comparable?

Thanks for your help.


macrumors Core
Oct 14, 2008
Well, Migration Assistant can't do much beyond copying the files in the first place. It might do some sort of digest validation (which I doubt btw). If you want to make sure your copy has completed correctly, you can use a tool like rsync or validate the digest manually (by taking a md5 or sha checksum of the files). But honestly, just copying the file in Finder should be enough. Its very unlikely that something goes wrong during the copy.
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