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toke lahti

macrumors 68040
Original poster
Apr 23, 2007
Helsinki, Finland
I always have 3 safari windows side by side and about 20 tabs open in each of them.
Whenever safari starts hogging ram or otherwise acts laggy, I'll save tabs to bookmarks, close them and open new windows.

This way, I can always check what I was doing in the past and what was left not finished.

Yesterday I noticed one window was missing.
Maybe my friend accidentally closed it, when he checked out a thing with my mac.

Is there any way to restore closed window in Safari? A plug-in? Session control?
History only tells what pages have been visited. I usually have saome tabs that I haven't visited for weeks, but still with to keep them.

I'm using latest mojave.
There is “restore all windows from last session” under the... I don’t remember which menu. History maybe.
I had to restart my mini2018 (running system from external drive, it hangs few times a week).
So the "last session" already had that window closed...

I'd need a commant to open last session before the last session.🙃

Are there any session control plug-ins etc. for Safari?
Found out "the manual way":
Dig out few days older ~/Library/Safari/LastSession.plist from Time Machine (which happened to be on at the moment... :) )
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