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macrumors 68030
Original poster
Jul 2, 2006

Fed up with Lion so:-

I have a bootable backup of Snow Leopard sitting here on a spare HD, if I do a restore will I lose anything from my main HD ?

I migrated back to SL last night. Clean install is certainly the way to go. I didn't use migration assistant because i wanted to reinstall my main applications and I like the process of re-setting all of my preferences. That's just my process of troubleshooting. You don't have to do it the same way.

You can manually browse your time machine backup if that is your only backup source. This way, not everything from lion has to be moved over.

I'm completely fine with SL at the moment. Lion graphics were glitchy on my MP and I knew darn well that they shouldn't be that way, so I downgraded.

I may consider re-upgrading once 10.7.2 is released and (hopefully) the debug mode is finished.
Ah, another switcher-backer. Been there, done that and am very happy with SL. A word of caution, I don't think that Lion Mail works in SL Mail, not sure about Lion/SL Address Book and Lion/SL iCal. Just make sure you don't loose your old SL personal data.

I did a clean SL install then restored from Time Machine. It worked perfectly. The MP was only on Lion for a couple of days. Time Machine restored my last available SL backup just before I switched to Lion so I only lost a couple of days of email.

OK, thanks for the replies :)

Will wait to see what 10.7.2 brings, if things remain the same so to speak
then clean a install I will do :)

Now back with Snow Leopard, best move I have made on Mac pro :)
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