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you SSH it in if you dont want to use Winterboard....I forget where exactly the signal bars are though...if i find out ill update this for you
you SSH it in if you dont want to use Winterboard....I forget where exactly the signal bars are though...if i find out ill update this for you

thanks Xai im very new at this

is SSH the same as the app in cydia called OpenSSH is that what I need?
Yes, OpenSSH has to be loaded on iPhone thru Cydia

Then you need app on computer to "see" the files on iPhone.

Mac---> I use Cyberduck

There is a couple of PC apps for this also.
thanks Xai im very new at this

is SSH the same as the app in cydia called OpenSSH is that what I need?

Well if you are new to this, I would wait before doing modifications like specially if youre on 3.0 because if you mess up any core utilities you are screwed...unless youre around a computer that has an internet connection.....or Redsn0w

1. Install OpenSSH and Winterboard from Cydia

2. Install either:
Cyberduck - free, but needs OpenSSH
or Transmit - almost same as Cyberduck, but it's shareware and needs OpenSSH as well
or Phoneview - doesn't require OpenSSH, works like file browser i.e. Finder, you can copy sms/notes/music/contacts/pics/files etc to and from iPhone, but it's shareware
I use Transmit and Phoneview, just personal preference...

3. Enable Wi-Fi on your phone and note the ip address of your phone, either manually keep your phone from going to sleep or use KeepAwake toggle in SBSettings

4. Start SFTP session (port 22) , use your phone's ip address to connect to, user: root
pass: alpine

5. Navigate to var/stash/Themes.*****
Theme folder usually has random letters/numbers after word "Themes."

6. Drag and drop folder "Retro Apple Signal Bars" into Themes.***** folder
Now just select Retro Apple Signal Bars in Winterboard..After you exit Winterboard by pressing Home button on your phone, it will respring and show new signal bars...

P.S. If you're new to the whole process, it might be easier to just install Phoneview, enable advanced mode in Phoneview's prefs, navigate to to Themes folder and drag-n-drop Retro Signal Bars into it...
1. Install OpenSSH and Winterboard from Cydia

2. Install either:
Cyberduck - free, but needs OpenSSH
or Transmit - almost same as Cyberduck, but it's shareware and needs OpenSSH as well
or Phoneview - doesn't require OpenSSH, works like file browser i.e. Finder, you can copy sms/notes/music/contacts/pics/files etc to and from iPhone, but it's shareware
I use Transmit and Phoneview, just personal preference...

3. Enable Wi-Fi on your phone and note the ip address of your phone, either manually keep your phone from going to sleep or use KeepAwake toggle in SBSettings

4. Start SFTP session (port 22) , use your phone's ip address to connect to, user: root
pass: alpine

5. Navigate to var/stash/Themes.*****
Theme folder usually has random letters/numbers after word "Themes."

6. Drag and drop folder "Retro Apple Signal Bars" into Themes.***** folder
Now just select Retro Apple Signal Bars in Winterboard..After you exit Winterboard by pressing Home button on your phone, it will respring and show new signal bars...

P.S. If you're new to the whole process, it might be easier to just install Phoneview, enable advanced mode in Phoneview's prefs, navigate to to Themes folder and drag-n-drop Retro Signal Bars into it...

Blech. No need for all of that!

Just go get iPhoneBrowser (after having jailbroken your phone, of course) and drop the files in [root]/System/Library/CoreServices/ :cool:
You are all a bunch of newbies. use ssh like a real man, through or PutTy if you insist on running Windows.

Though I do kind of find it funny everyone going through the technical process of jailbreaking their phones, but not understanding ssh or how to do things on command line when getting in there.

then again, I'm a Linux sys admin. I'm biased. Use what you like, it doesn't hurt me either way. :)
Though I do kind of find it funny everyone going through the technical process of jailbreaking their phones, but not understanding ssh or how to do things on command line when getting in there.

then again, I'm a Linux sys admin. I'm biased. Use what you like, it doesn't hurt me either way. :)

but jailbreakin was so easy, and this SSH seems like its hard at least on paper it does
Attempt at your own risk...

You can change these relatively simply if your familiar with SSH and the iPhone system... but this may not be for newbs so attempt at your own risk and please back up originals if you're unsure...

The signal bar is a group of 6 .png files, and there actually are two sets, one for the springboard and lock screen that are usually white, and one that is used running applications that are normally blue. The springboard set is delineated by "FSO" and the application set by "Default". You will know what I mean when you see them...

To find them SSH into your phone and follow this path: /System/Library/CoreServices/
This is where you will find many of the .png images that winterboard themes usually change. From here look around, stuff should seem familiar ex. battery images, battery percentages (if in 3GS), even the boot logo (but I'm not positive about that) etc... anyway, what your looking for are the afformentioned two sets of 6 .png files that are Default_(#)_Bars.png or FSO_(#)_Bars.png where the # is for each number of bars the thing shows.
If you have found these, this would be the time to back them up onto your PC, just in case.

Now you need to have replacement .png files ( has many collection to download) which you simply rename to match the corresponding signal bar. Remember FSO is Lockscreen/Springboard, and Default is the in-app set! Once you've renamed your custom signal bar sets, just replace them within the folder, and respring or restart your phone and they should be there.

Again, use at your own risk, I replaced mine last night on a purplera1n jailbroken 3GS so it can be done in lieu of Winterboard.

Let me know if this helps, or if there are questions, Good Luck!
let me rephrase my question

I want to use this retro signal bars without having winternoard install on my phone

I found winterboard slows my phone up a bit

So I dont want to use winterboard

is there a way to use this without winterboard?
let me rephrase my question

I want to use this retro signal bars without having winternoard install on my phone

I found winterboard slows my phone up a bit

So I dont want to use winterboard

is there a way to use this without winterboard?

He answered your question, you have to use SSH to drop the mods in to overwrite the original system files if you don't want to use WB.

Hint: 2 Posts above this post.
is there a way i can use this as my battery indicator instead of signal bar?

since I have the battery percentage,it would look much better using the retro apple instead of the green battery icon

is this possible?
and how

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