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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Jan 8, 2003
My dad purchased a Macbook Pro 12 days ago from the Apple Store in Atlanta. It has had nothing but problems from day one. Understand. I told him not to buy the computer until the next revision. He, being the wiser man in this father son relationship decided to spend the 4 grand (also bought a display) even though I recommended that he did not. He has never owned a mac. Any way. He is not from Atlanta. He does not live near an apple store to return it. What are his options. He has to have a computer, so he cant ship this one back and be with out for a week. He will be in Atlanta on Friday. Can Apple extend his 14 day return policiy. Even after his 14 days will they exchange computers if it is a doa type issue? Thanks for your help.

I am a big mac fan and I have been pushing him to get a mac for a couple of years. He finally does and it seems to be a piece.....So, he is frustrated and I am getting upset because Apple can't seem to ship out working products. Apple is so innovative in their design but they can't ship out working products half the time.

He called apple to complain about the computer but they blamed it on something else.

Please give me some help so I can calm him down.

Okay, well firstly, what exactly is wrong with it? Secondly, why did he buy it from Atlanta? Thirdly, has he called the Atlanta store to see what their policy is on this? :)
mad jew said:
Okay, well firstly, what exactly is wrong with it? Secondly, why did he buy it from Atlanta? Thirdly, has he called the Atlanta store to see what their policy is on this? :)

Well, I have not seen the computer so I am just telling you what he says. The computer will hardly connect to his network (called apple and they blamed it on the network even though he has I.T. guys getting on the network with their own MBP's and know it is the computer), The computer keeps locking up and getting the spinning beach ball, when he tries to force quit it won't force quit and when he tries to shut down the computer it won't shut down. He sits there waiting on a beach ball or for the computer to shut down for 30 mintues. When it finally won't do what he tries to get it to do he has to remove the battery to get it to turn off, if not it would sit there forever being a massive paper weight.

He bought it from Atlanta because he has an office up there and will be commuting up there a lot. I told him not to buy it from CompUSA (the closet place) because I have heard bad things about CompUSA. I told him to get it from the Apple Store in Atlanta because he will be up there 2 weeks a month and it would be convinient. He was up there two weeks ago with my mom and went ahead and bought it from the store.

I didn't know that each apple store has different policies. Is this the case? If so we will be up there on Friday and I will have him call them tomorrow. We were going to go by there on Saturday and let them know that we have had problems.


Abstract said:
My first question is why he can't send it back to Apple? You say he needs a computer because he's a busy guy, but since his computer is glitchy anyway.......

I see what you are saying. He tells me its costing a fortune to own an Apple because the lack of work he is getting done. However, if he shipped it off for two weeks he would be able to do no work. That isn't cost efficient either. I assumed that Apple would make him ship it off and wait forever to get it back. It's glitchy but still usuable some of the time. The problem is that you expect a brand new computer to work. Especially a top of the line computer.

Let me know what you think.
macdaddy121 said:
I see what you are saying. He tells me its costing a fortune to own an Apple because the lack of work he is getting done. However, if he shipped it off for two weeks he would be able to do no work. That isn't cost efficient either. I assumed that Apple would make him ship it off and wait forever to get it back. It's glitchy but still usuable some of the time. The problem is that you expect a brand new computer to work. Especially a top of the line computer.

Let me know what you think.

Allow me to correct you. The problem is that you expect a brand-new, non-DOA computer to work. DOA is a part of life and he should've planned ahead. If he has mission-critical business to do, why not use his old solution? It's not easy to switch so quickly and expect 100% uptime. It happens to the best of them.

I'm not sure what your best solution is. Repairs are actually quite fast, if he can't get to the Apple Store for an exchange. Or I suppose you could buy it for him, and ship it overnight.
Call the store manager at the store he bought it at in Atlanta. Tell the manager that he wants to exchange the machine for a new one; his is DOA. This should be easily done and make arrangements for the next day he's in Atlanta.

I can't imagine any store/manager not bending the rules slightly to keep a switcher customer happy.
A malfunctioning apple product is a PITA.
My first PB(bought from the apple store) arrived with a internal defect. Sent it back and came back much worse for wear and still malfunctioning.
I took nearly 6 months and threats of legal action and filling complaints with the state attorney general before I finally received a new functioning PB!

If you have a problem right out of the box I recommend playing hardball right away with them.
After all you paid a premium price for a new computer. Not some malfunctioning POS which has been repaired.
They will jerk you around if you let them.

That said I've had over 2 years of trouble free operation with the new one i finally received.
dferrara said:
Allow me to correct you. The problem is that you expect a brand-new, non-DOA computer to work. DOA is a part of life and he should've planned ahead. If he has mission-critical business to do, why not use his old solution? It's not easy to switch so quickly and expect 100% uptime. It happens to the best of them.

I'm not sure what your best solution is. Repairs are actually quite fast, if he can't get to the Apple Store for an exchange. Or I suppose you could buy it for him, and ship it overnight.

I guess it is the "it won't happen to me" thinking. You can't plan ahead for a doa. What are you supposed to do, buy two just incase. His old computer is shot. Its a top of the line dell from a couple of years ago. It won't even turn on anymore.

Abstract said:
Your dad can't afford to take 3-4 days off and get his computer fixed, rather than use a glitchy computer for years upon years? :confused:

No no, you are right. Waiting 3 or 4 days is a lot better than dealing with it for a couple of years. The issue is that he doesn't want to wait 3 or 4 days compared to a couple of years of dealing with it.....the issue is that he can't do either. They won't send him a computer first with a box to send them the old MBP. That way he won't have to wait.

doctor pangloss said:
A malfunctioning apple product is a PITA.
My first PB(bought from the apple store) arrived with a internal defect. Sent it back and came back much worse for wear and still malfunctioning.
I took nearly 6 months and threats of legal action and filling complaints with the state attorney general before I finally received a new functioning PB!

If you have a problem right out of the box I recommend playing hardball right away with them.
After all you paid a premium price for a new computer. Not some malfunctioning POS which has been repaired.
They will jerk you around if you let them.

That said I've had over 2 years of trouble free operation with the new one i finally received.

That's what I am saying. The other poster said that DOA happens. Well yes it does but not to this many people. When are people going to admit that Apple is a great company that has no problem letting out a faulty product sometimes. It's almost that their way of thinkinging is, "put out a faulty product, see what the people complain about, and then fix that for the next revision, and don't take blame for the problems". That is not how it works. The people working their are genius' they know about the issues before they ship them to our door (heat issues, whining).
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