If you are not satisfied with your purchase, return it with the original receipt and original packaging within fourteen (14) calendar days of the date of purchase. If the item is returned unopened, in the original box, we will exchange it or offer a refund based only on the original payment method. Apple will mail a check within ten (10) business days for cash, cash equivalent, and check transactions over $250. Except where prohibited, a 10% restocking fee will apply to any non-defective item that requires Apple to perform rework prior to resale; please ask a Mac Specialist for details. Please note the following:
-Opened software, memory, and other media can be exchanged for the same item, but cannot be returned for a refund.
-Custom-configured products including any personalized iPod, cannot be returned or exchanged.
-Purchases made using a lease are subject to the terms of your lease agreement and cannot be returned.
-Non-Apple products are sold by Apple "as is." Consult the manufacturer for warranty terms and conditions.