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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Dec 10, 2022
I'm planning an illustration about important moments in Apple's history. I created a list but need your knowledge to check which products and generations are worth to illustrate and not worth.

1. Jobs & Wozniak Garage
2. Apple 1 (1976)
3. Apple 2 (1977)
4. Mcintosh 128KB (1984)
5. Powerbook (1991)
6. Newton (1993)
7. iMac G3 (1998)
8. iBook (1999)
9. Power Mac G4 Cube (2000)
10. iPod (2001)
11. iMac G4 (2002)
12. iMac G5 (2004)
13. Mac Mini iPod Nano iPod Shuffle (2005)
14. iMac Macbook Macbook Pro Mac Pro iPod Shuffle 2 iPod Nano 2 (2006)
15. iPhone 1 iMac 2nd Apple TV (2007)
16. Macbook Air iPhone 3G (2008)
17. iPhone 3GS (2009)
18. Steve Jobs pass aways (2011)
19. iPad Mini iMac Slim (2012)
20. iPad Air (2013)
21. Apple Watch (2015)
22. iPad Pro Apple Pencil (2015)
23. Airpods (2016)
24. iPhone X iMac Pro (2017)
25. HomePod (2018)
26. Apple Arcade Airpods Pro TV+ Mac Pro Pro Display XDR (2019)
27. M1 & Airpods Max (2020)
28. iMac (2021)
29. Apple Watch Ultra (2022)

There're also easter eggs which I'm going to illustrate:
Starbucks prank · Ive's Rainbow Stage · Ted Lasso · Magic Mouse charging · Dogcow · Slide to Unlock patent · Apple Maps fiasco · 9:41 · FBI iPhone Unlock · Recycle Robot: Daisy · Cleaning Cloth · Mac Pro wheels and XDR's Stand · U2 Album · 1984 Ad

I'm looking for your revisions.


macrumors Haswell
May 3, 2009
4. Mcintosh 128KB (1984)
Mcintiosh is the fruit. Macintosh is the computer.

Also what about Apple III, Lisa, Macintosh s/e, macintosh plus, pippin, 20th anniversary mac You mentioned the G3/G4 iMAcs, but you probably should do the same for the iBook

I'm sure wikipedia has a list of all the products apple made.
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Staff member
Feb 21, 2012
New Jersey Pine Barrens
Mcintiosh is the fruit. Macintosh is the computer.

Actually there's a little more to it than that, and it's a milestone in Apple history that just had a 40th anniversary last month! Apple actually wanted to call it "McIntosh" but that was the name of well-known audio company, so they used "Macintosh". However, it was still rejected as a trademark due to the similarity. So, Steve Jobs went to McIntosh and was able to get their approval to use the name anyway for an undisclosed amount.

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macrumors Haswell
May 3, 2009
Apple actually wanted to call it "McIntosh"
Oh I know - they couldn't use the actual apple fruit name because it was trademarked.

Its like Jobs picking the name Apple, simply because it comes before Atari in a phone book, whom both Jobs and Woz worked at, and wanted to basically compete against.
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