Now that iPad is out and it supports 720p, more and more people are going to convert their own movies to iPad/AppleTV format (which essentially are the same).
For those converting mkv or any hi-def source, what are you doing for the audio track. Most movies in mkv format (from a hi-def source) has a DTS soundtrack. Video conversion has not been a problem, since handbrake is excellent for those files...but audio, specifically DTS, is a huge problem and always been one.
Anyone know a workaround on a Mac computer to get these DTS audio tracks to AC3?
For those converting mkv or any hi-def source, what are you doing for the audio track. Most movies in mkv format (from a hi-def source) has a DTS soundtrack. Video conversion has not been a problem, since handbrake is excellent for those files...but audio, specifically DTS, is a huge problem and always been one.
Anyone know a workaround on a Mac computer to get these DTS audio tracks to AC3?