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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Sep 7, 2006
Lund Sweden {London England}
My dad is looking to get a reasonably inexpensive P&S to take out when his Nikon dSLR is too big. I've been looking around at Nikon's/Canon's and Fuji's, which are the obvious choices and i am well informed on them. However, i came across these Ricoh digital cameras and on paper they look quite promising. I can't seem to find a decent review that actually analyses the cameras performance, they are all glossy and seem more interested in how it looks.

Has anyone here got any experience with any of the Caplio line? Or know of a review that is more detailed and expertly written?



macrumors Penryn
Dec 27, 2002
Location Location Location
I didn't want to leave your question hanging. :eek:

While I do remember reading a review of a Ricoh p&s before, I don't remember where I read it.

Here are user reviews that I think are useful. These were at --> DPReview

Over Achiever

macrumors 68000
Well, I've had (well still have) a Ricoh R4, and it's a decent camera. The operation of the camera is a bit loud to me, but the zoom range comes in very handy. It's a somewhat noisy camera, but I can take pictures up to ISO 400. ISO 800 is available, but is really grainy, and use it only when you have to. Cleans up nicely in Noise Ninja.

Oh, forgot to mention the SUPERB macro mode.

Here's a first look I had of the camera, that was a while ago. The R5 has the zoom toggle in a somewhat awkward position, just keep that in mind.

A lot of my pictures I took over the summer were with the R4. You can find more of my pictures here.

Hope that helps!


macrumors 6502
Jan 10, 2006
My dad is looking to get a reasonably inexpensive P&S to take out when his Nikon dSLR is too big. I've been looking around at Nikon's/Canon's and Fuji's, which are the obvious choices and i am well informed on them. I can't seem to find a decent review that actually analyses the cameras performance, they are all glossy and seem more interested in how it looks.
Or know of a review that is more detailed and expertly written?


Not the greatest review, but the new Caplio R6 seems an improvement
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