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macrumors member
Original poster
Apr 8, 2009
Hey Guys,

I'm trying to rig up my Apple TV to a 26" SD-TV in the family room. It supports 480i, 480p and 576p. It will support S-Video in, RCA (red,yellow,white) and Scart. So far I've got an RCA cable - and I thought that would work but when I plug the white and red in as Audio I realise I have 1 other connection to plug into the three video slots. Clearly the ATV component connection is HD.

So Now I've Bought:

Component Cable (HD) - video signal
RCA - audio signal (red and white)

I want a converter to SCART. I'm not looking for a cable but like a block like adapter that's fairly cheap and in the *UK*. So far all I've found is component to scart but I need one that has 5 connections so I can wack in the three video cables and two audio.

here's an easy and cheap way to use an :apple:TV with a standard TV using only the RCA cables and a HDMI-to-DVI adapter. Go here to figure out how to do it. You will need one of these to do it (you can find them much cheaper other places online). I use this method whenever I want to use my :apple:TV in my living room or camper and it comes in handy. The only down side is that you would have to redo this every time the :apple:TV is unplugged and plugged back in.

Thanks for the advice - unfortunately, a) that product is in the States and while I could find it in the UK, doing that glitch everytime it's off and on is not an option if it's to be operated by Family.

Thanks though.

Have you seen this product from

I was using this product on an older Panasonic widescreen CRT and it worked great.

If you are interested let me know as I'm not using mine anymore after upgrading to a new Plasma.
I use my Apple Tv on a 15 year old 26" CRT TV with just a simple RCA cable (red/white/yellow) using the procedure described here :

It requires some initial software tinkering but it works at "nearly zero-cost".

A quick experiment connecting the Apple TV GREEN video output with a cable to the TV's Video-In will show the ATV screen on tv in Black&White.

After installation of the SW the picture will be in Color, using the same cable connection.
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