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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Feb 24, 2009
I'm trying to rip The Godfather Blu-Ray. Normally an easy process but I'm having trouble figuring out how to get the forced subtitles in the scenes where they speak Italian.

Any way to do this?

You can't turn on subtitles only for a scene.

What you could do is extract the subtitles, remove all the timings except for the ones in the certain scenes, then remux it all back together. There are tools to do this in Mac OSX, but you will need to have the movie in an MKV container.
In the Godfather the forced subtitles only come up in the foreign language scenes. If you look at it in tsmuxer you can see there are two english subtitle options, one is full feature subtitles one is the forced subtitle section. Either way I've tried demuxing video, audio and subtitles into 3 seperate files and then remuxing them but that still doesn't seem to work unless I'm missing the option in tsmuxer to make subtitles show up.
Try eac3to and subler

This can be done in the below manner. This is a bit of a PITA, but it will work if you need the subtitles.

- Use eac3to (on windows) to extract the subtitles and save it as a sup file. e.g.

eac3to G:\filelocation\00001.m2ts

This spits out title info. Note track of desired PGS track (e.g. English) and specify. In below example it is 8.

eac3to G:\filelocation\00001.m2ts 8: G:\filelcation\subtitles.sup​

- Use SupRip on Windows to convert the sup to a srt. This program includes the option to only include forced subtitles on the SRT tab. There are some characters that it will need you to identify for it on the Image tab. The results will be unacceptable if you do not go through this step.

- Proceed with normal workflow to generate your mp4 as you would any other movie.

- Use subler on mac to open both the mp4 and the srt files. Save file.

This process will yield soft subtitles rather than burned in subtitles.
IIRC, this can be done in the below manner on mac.

- Use tsmuxer to extract the subtitles and save it as a srt file.

- Proceed with normal workflow to generate your mp4 as you would any other movie.

- Use subler to open both the mp4 and the srt files. Save file.

I believe there is an option in subler to only include forced subtitles. You will also want to go through the steps in subler of confirming/correcting the type. This process will yeild soft subtitles rather than burned in subtitles.

How do I do the first step? I got tsmuxer to give me a .SUP file, but I could not figure out how to get a .SRT file.
How do I do the first step? I got tsmuxer to give me a .SUP file, but I could not figure out how to get a .SRT file.

As far as I know tsMuxer does not have the ability to save as .srt from .sup files. Sup files are actually images so require specialised software to convert the images into text.

The only way this is done is using an OCR application and there is only a couple available and they are on PC. SupRip is one that I have found to work well. The problem is that it has trouble recognising characters so you will have to manually fix many of the subtitles. This is ok if you just want to convert 10 lines of foreign speaking in an english movie, however it is very annoying if you want to convert 500-1000 lines of text in a film such as Apocalypto. The software actually learns how to better recognise characters and becomes more accurate over time.
How do I do the first step? I got tsmuxer to give me a .SUP file, but I could not figure out how to get a .SRT file.

My apologies on the incorrect workflow. I only had to do this once before and I was going by memory. I updated the workflow in my original post.

As stated by Nordesmic, you will need to use another tool to convert the SUP to SRT. I used SupRip on Windows.
OK, guess I'm not the sharpest guy around. Still having problems with this. I've downloaded SupRip, but it seems to want VOB files. Can't figure out what to do with the .SUP file I previously created.
Suprip, not Subrip

OK, guess I'm not the sharpest guy around. Still having problems with this. I've downloaded SupRip, but it seems to want VOB files. Can't figure out what to do with the .SUP file I previously created.

Note that I specified SupRip, not SubRip. They are two similar, but distinct, products. Suprip is for Bluray/HD DVD and SubRip is for DVD. I believe you are using the incorrect software.

I have SupRip 1.14. Current version is 1.16. Open SupRip, click the open button. This launches an open window that is, by default, seeking a .sup file.
Works great. Thanks! Any easy way to identify forced subs? For instance are they usually the first english PGS track or is it just trial and error?

by the way I figured out what happened. When I type suprip into Google it suggests subrip. Guess the first time I just went with that.
i just downloaded the latest version of eac3to and can't figure out how to rip the subtitles out. Thanks.
Any easy way to identify forced subs? For instance are they usually the first english PGS track or is it just trial and error?

The only way that I know to identify the forced subs is to open the sup file with suprip. Once you have the sup file on the srt tab there is a check box for forced subs. Toggling this box will flip you between all subs and forced subs.

There may be other ways to tell, but I do not know of any. I have only had to complete this for one movie that had several scenes in languages that I do not know. I did not know I needed to do this for this movie until I tried to watch it. Most movies seem to have the forced subs burned into the image.

I did run through this process one more time just to verify the work flow for this thread.
I'm about done trying to mess with this. I got a hold of some mkv versions of the movie that supposedly has the subtitles included, and when played with VLC that seems to be correct, but i've tried mkv tools and the latest HB beta and using every subtitle option in each program I still can't get it to work. Maybe in the next full HB release it will work. I'll just hold onto the mkv files until then.
Subtitles and chapter markers are still a pita with Blu-ray ripping. Hopefully the tools will continue to get better over time. I ended up just ignoring both for now.
Right now, it would be more efficient to try to learn the languages that are being translated than to actually get subs on your archived BR.

Granted, I'd still be SOL on my 'Apocalypto' disc...
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