I'm able to easily rip my DVD collection with RipIt, then use handbrake to encode an apple tv version. The problems I'm having are the dvd menu no longer stays with the encoded file. Its in tact after I rip it, but not after encoding. I'm assuming its not possible with handbrake.
Is there another way to keep the DVD menu so when I play my movie collection on the apple tv I can pull up the menu? The main reason why I want the menu is so I can select closed captioning.
Is there another way to do this? I really want the close captioning to come through. I just lose it after using handbrake.
Any help is appreciated.
Is there another way to keep the DVD menu so when I play my movie collection on the apple tv I can pull up the menu? The main reason why I want the menu is so I can select closed captioning.
Is there another way to do this? I really want the close captioning to come through. I just lose it after using handbrake.
Any help is appreciated.