I have two PC's, AMD 4850's (Dualcore 2.5GHz) with 4GB of RAM. I also have an early 2008 MacBookPro (C2D 4GB RAM) and a 2010 MacBookPro (i7 8GB RAM).
I figured I'd use the two PC's to RIP the disks because I hate the internal DVD drives on the MBP's, they are slow and not designed for high usage. I can rip a DVD in 10 to 15 minutes depending on the length and complexity of the movie.
Not bad, they are full DVD rips so all features and no encoding.
The first disk happened to be "Chronicles of Riddick". I encoded it on my 2008 MBP last night and it took about 1.5 hours (Handbrake - Apple Universal Setting). I then encoded it on the PC using the same settings in Handbrake -- 3.5 HOURS!!! OUCH!
I'm going to run it through the i7 and see if that makes any difference.
So the plan is, right now, rip the disks with the PC's to external hard drives. Then turn around plug those drives into my MBP's and encode the movies. Then do the other tagging and stuff via the normal automated experience that is listed as a sticky here.
Anyone have any thoughts on this. Is it surprising the PC's are taking so long to encode -- they aren't complete slouches of computers (although a bit old).
I figured I'd use the two PC's to RIP the disks because I hate the internal DVD drives on the MBP's, they are slow and not designed for high usage. I can rip a DVD in 10 to 15 minutes depending on the length and complexity of the movie.
Not bad, they are full DVD rips so all features and no encoding.
The first disk happened to be "Chronicles of Riddick". I encoded it on my 2008 MBP last night and it took about 1.5 hours (Handbrake - Apple Universal Setting). I then encoded it on the PC using the same settings in Handbrake -- 3.5 HOURS!!! OUCH!
I'm going to run it through the i7 and see if that makes any difference.
So the plan is, right now, rip the disks with the PC's to external hard drives. Then turn around plug those drives into my MBP's and encode the movies. Then do the other tagging and stuff via the normal automated experience that is listed as a sticky here.
Anyone have any thoughts on this. Is it surprising the PC's are taking so long to encode -- they aren't complete slouches of computers (although a bit old).