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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Jan 23, 2014

I would need your help to fix my Macbook Pro Retina 13” (early 2015).

Problem: As in the video below, just after the boot, the macbook display is flashing/blinking or black, and the same occurs for the keyboard light. In the meanwhile, the keyboard is always almost unusable (randomly or no inputs are detected), and the trackpad is stucked (or almost frozen). Usually, after a short time, the display goes black, but here and there, even after some hours, it starts flashing again.

What I already tried (but always failing, with the macbook showing the same issue as above): 1) Boot with the trackpad disconnected; 2) Boot with the ambient light sensor disconnected; 3) P-Ram and SMC reset; 4) SSD erased with fresh macOS installed (original from internet recovery, and latest High Sierra version); 5) entire top case with display replaced by Apple Labs with a new one.

Important fact: the macbook does work like a charm (no issues, no fan throttling, no graphics glitches, nothing bad) when used as a macmini in clamshell mode, that is, branched to an external display (via thunderbolt, via hdmi, or both), and controlled via bluetooth keyboard and trackpad. Of course, I have to close the macbook lid (to avoid weird on/off display preferences) and the integrated keyboard/trackpad still do not work, as described above.

Any idea? How to fix this issue? The Apple labs suggested to replace the motherboard which it is not possible since this means like 800 USD (but the technician did not do any further tests, just replacing the whole top case, thus there is a new Apple display, as aforementioned). Again, the macbook is perfect by using external input/output.


[doublepost=1528815863][/doublepost]Update: Sometimes (rarely), when using the macbook with its lid closed (clamshell), the display switch on, and there is no way to deactivate it (for instance, by opening and closing the lid again). In most of this situation, the macbook is perfectly working together with its display, trackpad and keyboard. I feel that this weird issue is related to the close lid sensor (that should be in the bottom case; I recall that the topcase is new), and I wonder if there is a way (via software or pulling out some cable) to disable it, and/or to force the mac to avoid to check the clamshell state, or to avoid to activate/deactivate the integrated display together with the integrated keyboard/trackpad.

Update 2: During this blinking situation, I was able to investigate the Clamshell Status via Terminal,
ioreg -r -k AppleClamshellState -d 4 | grep AppleClamshellState | head -1
and I got the confirmation that such a status goes from active to inactive by changing a lot after each requests, even one second after the previous:
| "AppleClamshellState" = Yes
| "AppleClamshellState" = No
| "AppleClamshellState" = Yes
| "AppleClamshellState" = Yes
| "AppleClamshellState" = Yes
| "AppleClamshellState" = No
| "AppleClamshellState" = No
| "AppleClamshellState" = No
| "AppleClamshellState" = Yes
| "AppleClamshellState" = No

Q: Can I remove this lid cover sensor and/or replace it, or force macOS X v10.14 to avoid this sensor checking, both choosing always-clamshell-off vs. always-clamshell-on via software?


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