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macrumors member
Original poster
Jan 17, 2011
Hey all,

G'daaaaamn this laptop is amazing! Was a much needed upgrade from my early-2006 MacMini though, haven't ever experienced anything as fast as this!

Anyway, something's got me a bit troubled.
I have an external firewire-800 HDD. On my MacMini I could just go HDD->800->400->MacMini, without having to use the power supply for the drive (which, somewhat oddly, goes into a usb-port).
I bought the Thunderbolt-Firewire800 dongle with the rMBP, so I thought I'd hook my drive up. Sadly though, it won't boot itself when it's just plugged into the Thunderbolt port (drive->800->TB->rMBP). I solved this by plugging in the power supply (usb cable) into the laptop as well, and bam, there it goes!

I find it odd though, that Thunderbolt isn't capable of providing sufficient power for my external drive, where the Firewire-800 port on my old Macmini could. Is this normal? Is there a workaround?
I've already got a ton of cables going into this thing as is (MagSafe, TB-ethernet, TB-firewire, audio, HMDI), so it'd be nice if I could keep that there usb-slot free.

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macrumors member
Original poster
Jan 17, 2011
Ah, bummer. I don't have the documentation for the drive anymore, but I'm just going to assume that it needs more than 7W then. Hrrr, I might want to save up for a new external then, but for now, this'll have to do.
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