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macrumors 68000
Original poster
Feb 2, 2009
I have a "1" notification bubble on the icon for RB Reloaded. I've searched the app and can't find what it's for. Does anyone know?
It's telling you there's 1 notification. Usually that means a new message, or an update, or generally something that needs your attention.

If it's not telling you what the notification is though, and there's no obvious new message or something, then who knows? I doubt it'll harm to ignore it though.
Oh, I know what it means. I just can't find the reason it would be notifying me of anything.
New song packs are available

I had the same problem for a while, but I finally figured it out. It just means there are new song packs available for download. You can check them (thus removing the notification bubbles) by clicking on the scrolling news bulletin at the bottom of the main menu.
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