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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Jul 19, 2013
4 8 15 16 23 42 ✈
Some time ago, Atari announced they would port the original Rollercoaster Tycoon PC game to iOS devices. I really am a fan of this oldskool game, but can't seem to find much information concerning release date and other stuff. Apparently, the game would be released during the end of this year. Apart from the release date, what do you guys think, would it be a good idea to port this game to iOS? Wouldn't the original PC controls be way too hard to handle on a touchscreen? :)
Some time ago, Atari announced they would port the original Rollercoaster Tycoon PC game to iOS devices. I really am a fan of this oldskool game, but can't seem to find much information concerning release date and other stuff. Apparently, the game would be released during the end of this year. Apart from the release date, what do you guys think, would it be a good idea to port this game to iOS? Wouldn't the original PC controls be way too hard to handle on a touchscreen? :)

Atari filed for bankruptcy in the beginning of the year. It most likely will never happen. :(

If they can do Sims for the touchscreen, they can do Rollercoaster Tycoon. It wouldn't be hard to make changes.
Atari filed for bankruptcy in the beginning of the year. It most likely will never happen. :(
Oh no! :( I didn't hear about Atari being bankrupt.. Well if that is the case, I really hope another company would get the right to port the original game, because this could really be a number one iOS game, and I bet people would pay for it. :)

EDIT: UPDATE: It looks like there might still be a chance to get Rollercoaster Tycoon for iOS! :)
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Oh no! :( I didn't hear about Atari being bankrupt.. Well if that is the case, I really hope another company would get the right to port the original game, because this could really be a number one iOS game, and I bet people would pay for it. :)

EDIT: UPDATE: It looks like there might still be a chance to get Rollercoaster Tycoon for iOS! :)

Maybe, maybe not. :confused:

Unfortunately, Chris Sawyer does not have access to the famous license which is still within the scope of Atari auction . But if Transport Tycoon sells well, there is every chance that the creator can take the opportunity to redeem, or at least re-use in the future, and revive the legendary gaming license management which has brought happiness PC players.
Maybe, maybe not. :confused:
At least there is hope. :) If Sawyer was given the right to revive transport tycoon, I don't see why they wouldn't give him the right to do the same with RCT.
Looks like the RCT license is still property of Atari though, as the auction had no bids, unfortunately. :(
Roller Coaster Tycoon was the most expensive IP, with the minimum bid set as $3,5 million. Apparently no one showed interest, and ATARI is likely to be doing another sale in the future with lowered prices.

Lol, time to forget about the bankruptcy problems and time to update my thread: RollerCoaster Tycoon for iOS was finally released a while ago. :D
I don't like the freemium style of the game though, I hoped of an original RCT port to iOS, not some EA theme park lookalike.. :(
If anyone else wishes to comment on this app, feel free to share your thoughts! :)
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Its not the rollercoaster tycoon we played back in the day its pretty much a cash in on iap purchase. They try to hide it by charging you for the game first but you still cant do much without iap and most of the fun things about the game are no longer included.
Its not the rollercoaster tycoon we played back in the day its pretty much a cash in on iap purchase. They try to hide it by charging you for the game first but you still cant do much without iap and most of the fun things about the game are no longer included.
Exactly! It is developed by the original Atari though, which doesn't make sense to me at all, because right now what we have gotten instead is indeed some iap crap. :(
I remember we had some leaks pointing to Sawyer working on a real port of the original RCT game for Atari, but it looks like we can forget about that.
And I don't see the point of using freemium gameplay on a paid app either, the only reason I can think of doing that is indeed Atari trying to get the most cash out of the game as possible..
Maybe it has something to do with their financial problems, but if that's the case, then it's very sad they try to solve them by turning a decent game into total crap.
The mobile version of this game was indeed ruined by Atari, such a shame. Maybe there will be a real port some day, like for the iPad for example? :)
The mobile version of this game was indeed ruined by Atari, such a shame. Maybe there will be a real port some day, like for the iPad for example? :)
I highly doubt that, as that would be like admitting the game completely failed. Compare it to Apple not changing some iOS 7 icons, they won't make new icons either for the same reason. But as I already said, rumors last year pointed to Sawyer working on a real port of RCT, so maybe there's still a sparkle of hope left. It's definitely wishful thinking but.. fingers crossed! :)
I highly doubt that, as that would be like admitting the game completely failed. Compare it to Apple not changing some iOS 7 icons, they won't make new icons either for the same reason. But as I already said, rumors last year pointed to Sawyer working on a real port of RCT, so maybe there's still a sparkle of hope left. It's definitely wishful thinking but.. fingers crossed! :)
At least we can all agree that the current mobile version is total crap. I would pay like 10$ for an original RCT port, but this game... well no thanks.
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