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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
May 8, 2006
I uploaded some pics from my camera into a folder on my MacBook. Some of the pictures were facing the wrong way so I opened them up in Preview and rotated them clock-wise. Within preview, they were rotated the way I wanted them to be. However, once I closed Preview, I noticed that within the folder the icons of the pics were still facing their original ways. How can I make it so that the icons of the pics are facing the same direction as they are in Preview? Thak You.
I'm curious about this too, as the rotation seems to only occur on the computer in which it was performed. When I uploaded Preview rotated images online they were not rotated. I then opened them in Photoshop, and low and behold they were rotated as in Preview, but even after I saved them in Photoshop they still weren't rotated once uploading. I had to re-rotate them in Photoshop (90º counter clockwise then 90º clockwise) and then save them in order to get the correct rotation across the board. Frustrating.
I believe it has to do with how preview edits photos.

Let me explain, I dont know the right wording :)

Photos edited in preview are saved in a nondestructive manner, instead of rotating the actual image, preview saves the picture position/crop info in a "tag" type part of the file. I forget what the right word is for this part of the file though. Anyways, preview can read this information, while a website will show exactly how the image is (not rotated)

Someone help me out here explaining this :) I searched google a while back on this exact issue when I switched to a mac, and I found a site that explains it. (Paint in windows rotates pictures, in my opinion, correctly, while osx does it in a pita way :) )
What I do for a quick job is that I rotate it in Preview, then use CMD SHIFT 4 to take a picture of the image. Then I use that....since it conveniently converts it to PNG for me too. :D
is this someting Apple is likely to fix in Leopard? or is this a feature of Preview that some Mac users actually like?
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