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macrumors newbie
Original poster
May 10, 2004
Hi there.

Am looking to 'borrow' my neighbours btvoyager 2110
wifi router. Before anyone gets high and mighty on me, let
Me start by saying, I'm an employed MA student in the middle of research
Who has just split with his girl, and is now back with his folks (from today). Where I have no net access!

I am in desperate need of net access to complete my research
Due in iminantly, and would like to utilize the said neighbours
Connection until I can afford my own.

I have used the default password to connect to the
Router, and osx tells me I have a connection under
Network settings, icon in bar and using netstat with a router gateway of However I cannot open any web pages and ping/dig results in 'cannot resolve' and 'unknown host'!

Does this mean the router has MAC filtering, so I can't get through the firewall?

Worth mentioning I can't even get the router page by
Entering it's ip in a browser!

Any help. Would be much appreciated.

I know it's not right, but I need the access immediately
In order to complete my paper!!!

Any ideas?
Hi there.

Am looking to 'borrow' my neighbours btvoyager 2110
wifi router. Before anyone gets high and mighty on me, let
Me start by saying, I'm an employed MA student in the middle of research
Who has just split with his girl, and is now back with his folks (from today). Where I have no net access!

I am in desperate need of net access to complete my research
Due in iminantly, and would like to utilize the said neighbours
Connection until I can afford my own.

I have used the default password to connect to the
Router, and osx tells me I have a connection under
Network settings, icon in bar and using netstat with a router gateway of However I cannot open any web pages and ping/dig results in 'cannot resolve' and 'unknown host'!

Does this mean the router has MAC filtering, so I can't get through the firewall?

Worth mentioning I can't even get the router page by
Entering it's ip in a browser!

Any help. Would be much appreciated.

I know it's not right, but I need the access immediately
In order to complete my paper!!!

Any ideas?

How about finding a Starbucks? What you're doing is illegal.
How about finding a Starbucks? What you're doing is illegal.

To be fair, that's the best advice you're going to get. How about you go for a wander round your neighbourhood looking for "free" wireless access points. I know a couple of my neighbours operate free wifi for everyone. But again, there is the Law to abide, so please don't break it!

You could go explain yourself to your neighbour and ask permission. Im sure if your situation is that desperate they'd be happy to help. I would as long as they weren't downloading vast amounts of unsociable material.
To be fair, that's the best advice you're going to get. How about you go for a wander round your neighbourhood looking for "free" wireless access points. I know a couple of my neighbours operate free wifi for everyone. But again, there is the Law to abide, so please don't break it!

You could go explain yourself to your neighbour and ask permission. Im sure if your situation is that desperate they'd be happy to help. I would as long as they weren't downloading vast amounts of unsociable material.

Thanks for your suggestion. I have no malicious intentions or in the mind
To download and abuse the neighbours bandwidth, only to access research journals to read through online.

Emmm. iPhone hack.... Does o2 approve of this method of accessing the net.
Would they not be just a little bit peaved with your tinkering? And of course apple approve right?
Thanks for your suggestion. I have no malicious intentions or in the mind
To download and abuse the neighbours bandwidth, only to access research journals to read through online.

Emmm. iPhone hack.... Does o2 approve of this method of accessing the net.
Would they not be just a little bit peaved with your tinkering? And of course apple approve right?

If you've got an iPhone, just use it. I know 3G isn't blinding fast but it works and is better than nothing. And with the O2 contracts you get free access to "the cloud" wifi hotspots , almost every pub in Britain has one, because those stupid game machine things have it built in. And you can connect a laptop to these networks, put your phone number in and have access.

BTW, what connection are you using to reply to this thread?
Certain places such as libraries and fast food restaurants now offer free wi-fi for their customers. That's your best bet. :)
I am using an iPhone to access now. I would apply the
iPhone hack using sources I have found on the web, to allow
For a connection using the iPhone as a gateway for my mac,
However the source states that this cannot be applied to firmware
Version 2.2.1 that I have.

I could downgrade to 2.2.0 to follow the confit process but i don't particularly
Want to use the functionality due to some misc error!

Free wifi is something I've looked for, but is not ideal
When you are undertaking heavy research requiring many
Continuos hours with silence to concentrate.

I need to have the net access through a big screen
For image content analsis etc, so just working
At the iPhone scale is not practical.
I am using an iPhone to access now. I would apply the
iPhone hack using sources I have found on the web, to allow
For a connection using the iPhone as a gateway for my mac,
However the source states that this cannot be applied to firmware
Version 2.2.1 that I have.

I could downgrade to 2.2.0 to follow the confit process but i don't particularly
Want to use the functionality due to some misc error!

Free wifi is something I've looked for, but is not ideal
When you are undertaking heavy research requiring many
Continuos hours with silence to concentrate.

I need to have the net access through a big screen
For image content analsis etc, so just working
At the iPhone scale is not practical.

You can use pdanet with 2.2.1.
Certain places such as libraries and fast food restaurants now offer free wi-fi for their customers. That's your best bet. :)

And some libraries have a computer you can use, so if you havent got a laptop to take with you you can use that.

When you say you need research to complete a paper, is that Higher Education (uni, school etc) or a job?? Either way, wouldnt they provide some sort of suite for internet access.
Yes. I am an MA student. My university is
Very far from where I am.

Libraries are ok, but for shear convienience and
Productivity and access to non computer resources
I need to operate from home.

Can I get to use my iPhone with the firmware version of 2.2.1
And how may I achieve this. Any instruction on how would be great!

I really do appreciate the helpful feedback
Sorry..... Just to clarify.

Are we saying that if I manage to follow
The process stated at 'thebigboss' downloading the necessary
Files to my mac etc, I should be able to get a connection
For my laptop with firmware 2.2.1?
Thanks for the advice, however I really
Only want to find out about the iPhone hack now.

Just need to know if I apply the hack
As outlined on 'thebigboss' website with a 2.2.1
Firmware whether or not it will work
And enable to use the iPhone as a gateway for
My mac. It's obviously a handy utility to have
When on travels as someone previously mentioned.

Also interested in the apps such as copy/paste
That I could use if I jailbreak the device.

If I'm reading this correctly, you have 2 issues to solve:

1. Using your iPhone tethered to your mac as an internet modem

2. Actually having a wi-fi connection to connect to

Don't confuse the two, or you get confused answers.

For 1, yes you can

For 2, go ask your neighbour's permission or go for a walk to the local library/coffee shop/hotel/sports club with your macbook.

Apologies if I have misunderstood
ask your neighbor, im sure he wouldn't care if you tell him your situation and you're polite about it

you have a macbook and iphone and you cannot even afford internet connection that's lame?
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