I used Reeder 2, but it looks awful on the iPhone 6. I'm eagerly awaiting their update.
Newsify working great hereon iPhone 6. No iOS8 version yet, but I just bumped down the font sizes one notch in advanced settings and it works perfectly and looks good.
I previously used Reeder 2 as my daily driver, but I've actually moved away from RSS all together and mainly use Twitter now. I just checked and it doesn't look like it's been optimized for the 6 or 6+ yet.
Looks like we are all just patiently waiting. I bought the Feed Wrangler app thinking it was a one-time purchase because it looked so good on the preview. Come to find out it's subscription based, and I aint about that life.
I don't blame you. IMHO Reeder has always been the best option. I didn't mind the Feedly app since I was using their service, but I always went back to Reeder for the interface.
I just want one that doesn't make it look like the resolution is 800x600 on a 1920x 1080 monitor
Anybody here use Feedly? Was wondering how it looks on the larger screens.
Well, my favorite RSS reader, Fiery Feeds, just got updated today with a widget and iPhone 6 optimization. But I don't yet have an iPhone 6 so I can't say how it looks.
I mostly use Newsify but still have the Feedly app on my iPhone 6 and think it looks pretty good.
Here are a couple caps.
Anybody here use Feedly? Was wondering how it looks on the larger screens.
Just got an app update for Newsify with iPhone6/6+ changes and I see on Twitter the Feedly app will also soon be updated.
another vote for Newsify.