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simon lefisch

macrumors 65816
Original poster
Sep 29, 2014
Hey everyone,

I have an older Mac mini running Catalina and I wanted to use it as a syslog server. I have one setup on a Ubuntu VM, however I would prefer the syslog server to not be a VM. I’ve downloaded Home Brew on the Mac mini and got a basic setup, but I would like it configured similar to the VM.

Here’s how it is on the VM….
I have it set so that logs from a specific hostname get put into a log file with that devices name. It’s also set to rotate logs every 5 days and compress them. I then run a sync job to move those compressed logs onto my NAS. I used the link below to get it configured.

So is there any way to set something up similar to that on the Mac mini? Thanks for the help.
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