I was curious if it was a good idea or not to program an entire program (lets say bank software) in RubyCocoa. I have had this debate for awhile with some of my fellow Comp Sci majors at my university. The part we are worried about is the overhead and memory management of Ruby. I know that with the next version of Ruby that it is going to get a speed increase but will that really matter? Also since ruby began and still somewhat is a scripting language, wouldnt it be a bad idea to use it as the base for a program?
The reason we are not doing Objective-C is because we want to use the Cocoa framework on OSX but we want to use other GUI frameworks depending on the platform. We considered Java briefly but since Apple took it out of its update cycle for Cocoa, it was quickly abandoned.
If not RubyCocoa, what would you use? (Trying to avoid Obj-C for minimal re-write per platform)
The reason we are not doing Objective-C is because we want to use the Cocoa framework on OSX but we want to use other GUI frameworks depending on the platform. We considered Java briefly but since Apple took it out of its update cycle for Cocoa, it was quickly abandoned.
If not RubyCocoa, what would you use? (Trying to avoid Obj-C for minimal re-write per platform)