While I personally would love the waterproof option (for reading by the pool), it doesn’t sound like a needed feature for the tablet lines, and I suspect apple would just save the money and not implement this.
Wireless charging would be fancy to have also, but similarly to the above feature, for the iPad it still seems unnecessary. The phone is a device often used on and off, meaning it’s looked at for a short period of time, placed down, picked up a few minutes later (at least in my case) so it seems logical to have it charge when it’s down automatically with little effort. The iPad however seems more like a long-time use device, used for an hour or two where it’s not just placed down with high frequency where it needs charging. So while it would be much more convenient, I’m not sure it’s worth the additional investment on apples end.
I personally hope for the bezel-less design for the iPads. It has been my dream device ever since I’ve seen some concept videos a few years back. The question comes up as to how much is too much, but honestly with the pencil and palm rejection smarts, I don’t fear a lack of bezel would hurt anyone if apple does it right. Worst case, I’d see apple doing the same bezel sizes as the 10.5 iPad side bezels but all the way around. That in itself is good enough for me!
I’m glad I didn’t get any 2017 iPads and highly anticipate the 2018 models!