Hey guys.
I am interested to know if anyone has heard of this happening or know weather their is any legitimacy to these claims.
I have a couple of colleges who are avid MAC users are not ones to put their hands up and slander apple in anyway. For this reason I have found these statements quite interesting.
The observation is that serveral MACs have been purchased with the Apple Care plan and have not had any issues for the three year duration. However a couple of systmes have also been puchased with out the Apple Care plan system and have both developed issues around the thirteen month mark.
Upon asking around I have been told similar stoires and it appears to be more then just coincidence.
The idea being put forward is that there is inbuilt destruction code that is not activated when apple care is purchased with a new computer. However if apple care is not purchased this code will execute and cause the MAC to malfunction.
I am wondering what opoions there are on this idea as to wether there is legitimacy to the concept weather it is merly a consiprecy theory.
Thanks Guys.
P.S. This is a ligitimate question so please don't slander with tolling comments.
I am interested to know if anyone has heard of this happening or know weather their is any legitimacy to these claims.
I have a couple of colleges who are avid MAC users are not ones to put their hands up and slander apple in anyway. For this reason I have found these statements quite interesting.
The observation is that serveral MACs have been purchased with the Apple Care plan and have not had any issues for the three year duration. However a couple of systmes have also been puchased with out the Apple Care plan system and have both developed issues around the thirteen month mark.
Upon asking around I have been told similar stoires and it appears to be more then just coincidence.
The idea being put forward is that there is inbuilt destruction code that is not activated when apple care is purchased with a new computer. However if apple care is not purchased this code will execute and cause the MAC to malfunction.
I am wondering what opoions there are on this idea as to wether there is legitimacy to the concept weather it is merly a consiprecy theory.
Thanks Guys.
P.S. This is a ligitimate question so please don't slander with tolling comments.