I have my xp installed on my unibody macbook and I was going to try installing linyx also I was wondering will that slow down the computer alot is it a bad idea to have 3 partitions
Running with 3 actual partitions is a little tricky I believe
But it can be done, or at least I have heard it can
If you don't want to buy Parallels or Fusion for virtualization, you can try VirtualBox, it is free
Woof, Woof - Dawg
Running with 3 actual partitions is a little tricky I believe
But it can be done, or at least I have heard it can
If you don't want to buy Parallels or Fusion for virtualization, you can try VirtualBox, it is free
Woof, Woof - Dawg
How is three partitions tricky? Is it a Mac thing, because I ran three on my Dell for awhile (only one had an OS on it, though).
Partitions are not tricky, but loading a bootable OS on 3 partitions is
Woof, Woof - Dawg
How? It seems straightforward to me.
I have OSX, vista (via bootcamp), and ubuntu installed on my macbook. This has its many used but the reason that it is complicated is because when I installed ubuntu the bootloader (option key at startup) does not recognize the ubuntu partition. I had to install refit to get the ubuntu partition to work. After i installed refit, in order to get to the vista partition I had to go through the ubuntu bootloader even if i selected the vista partition. This is because the ubuntu install does something to the vista bootloader so the ubuntu one comes up first. After selecting vista it boots fine though. It does not take that much effort to get a tri-boot setup, you just have to be careful what you are doing to your HDD because any mistake can cause massive loss of data.
And also, after you install ubuntu it takes a bit of effort to get all the features fully working. For example, the multi-touch trackpad, speakers, bluetooth, and other various hardware features do not work in ubuntu without a little work. I can direct you to guides on how to get these features working with ubuntu if you decide to install. Just send me a PM