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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Mar 14, 2021
So, this is my situation. I'm a student, learning some Python and the linux/bash shell. I have a Mac running mojave with almost everything locked down. I can't access my terminal, and I can't modify the applications folder. I know the workaround with installing applications outside of the application folder, and I've found a way to access the terminal through (school-provided) Pycharm. It's the running part I'm stuck with. Whenever I run an application they've blocked, such as terminal or one I downloaded and installed away from applications, I get a "You don't have permission to use the application. For more information, contact the person who set up your account." I believe it's because they set it so I can only run a preset list of .app folders. Anyone know of any way of using the terminal to bypass this? Would really be helpful. Thanks


macrumors 65816
Jul 8, 2013
It sounds like your machine is managed so you’ll have a hard time working around that. There are plenty of places to learn about Unix shells online, such as You should be able to get remote shells in your browser. Don’t try messing with your school machine, you’ll just get in trouble.
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